
class scamp_extensions.utilities.time_varying_parameter.TimeVaryingParameter(levels: Sequence = (0,), durations: Sequence[float] = (), curve_shapes: Optional[Sequence[Union[float, str]]] = None, offset: float = 0, clock: Optional[Clock] = None, units: str = 'beats')[source]

Bases: Envelope

A simple wrapper around Envelope that is aware of the current time or beat in the current clock. Simply call it like a function to get its value at the current time or beat.

  • levels – see Envelope

  • durations – see Envelope

  • curve_shapes – see Envelope

  • offset – see Envelope

  • clock – the clock whose time/beat this TimeVaryingParameter uses for lookup. Defaults to the current active clock.

  • units – either “beats” or “time”; whether or not to use the time or the beat of the clock to look up the parameter value


adsr(attack_length, attack_level, ...[, ...])

Same as adsr(), but taking an optional clock and units parameter.

ar(attack_length, release_length[, ...])

Same as ar(), but taking an optional clock and units parameter.

asr(attack_length, sustain_level, ...[, ...])

Same as asr(), but taking an optional clock and units parameter.


from_function(function[, domain_start, ...])

Same as from_function(), but taking an optional clock and units parameter.

from_levels(levels[, length, offset, clock, ...])

Same as from_levels(), but taking an optional clock and units parameter.

from_levels_and_durations(levels, durations)

Same as from_levels_and_durations(), but taking an optional clock and units parameter.

from_list(constructor_list[, clock, units])

Same as from_list(), but taking an optional clock and units parameter.

from_points(*points[, clock, units])

Same as from_points(), but taking an optional clock and units parameter.

from_segments(segments[, clock, units])

Same as from_segments(), but taking an optional clock and units parameter.

release(duration[, start_level, ...])

Same as release(), but taking an optional clock and units parameter.

Inherited Methods


Extends this envelope by another one (shifted to start at the end of this one).

append_segment(level, duration[, ...])

Append a segment to the end of the curve ending at level and lasting for duration.


Returns the average value that the Envelope takes over the given range.


Returns a copy of this object by serializing to and from JSON.


Ending value of the Envelope


End of the domain on which this Envelope is defined.

get_upper_integration_bound(t1, desired_area)

Given a lower integration bound, find the upper bound that will result in the desired integral

insert(t, level[, curve_shape_in, ...])

Insert a curve point at time t, and set the shape of the curve into and out of it.

insert_interpolated(t[, min_difference])

Insert another curve point at the given time, without changing the shape of the curve.

integrate_interval(t1, t2)

Get the definite integral under this Envelope from t1 to t2

is_shifted_version_of(other[, tolerance])

Determines if this segment is simply a shifted version of another segment


Dump this object as a JSON string.


Load this object from a JSON string.


The length of the domain on which this Envelope is defined (end time minus start time).


Load this object from a JSON file with the given path.


Returns a list of the times where the curve changes direction.


Returns the maximum absolute value of the slope over the entire Envelope.


Returns the highest value that the Envelope takes over the given range.


Returns the lowest value that the Envelope takes over the given range.

normalize_to_duration(desired_duration[, ...])

Stretch or squeeze the segments of this Envelope so that it has the desired total duration.


Remove and return the last segment of this Envelope.


Remove and return the first segment of this Envelope.


Extends this envelope backwards by another one (shifted to end at the start of this one).

prepend_segment(level, duration[, ...])

Prepend a segment to the beginning of the curve, starting at level and lasting for duration.


Removes all segments after the given time (including a partial segment if t lands in the middle of a segment).


Removes all segments before the given time (including a partial segment if t lands in the middle of a segment).


Save this object to a JSON file using the given path.


Scales the domain of this Envelope by the specified amount.


Scales the levels of this segment by the specified amount.


Shifts the domain of this Envelope by the specified amount.


Shifts the levels of this Envelope the specified amount.

show_plot([title, resolution, ...])

Shows a plot of this Envelope using matplotlib.

split_at(t[, change_original, zero_out_offsets])

Splits the Envelope at one or several points and returns a tuple of the pieces


Beginning value of the Envelope


Beginning of the domain on which this Envelope is defined.

value_at(t[, from_left])

Get the value of this Envelope at the given time.



Tuple of all the segment curve shapes.


Tuple of all the segment lengths.


Tuple of levels at all segment boundary points.


Alias for Envelope.start_time().


Tuple of all the segment start times.

classmethod from_segments(segments: Sequence[EnvelopeSegment], clock: Optional[Clock] = None, units: str = 'beats') T[source]

Same as from_segments(), but taking an optional clock and units parameter. (See TimeVaryingParameter)

classmethod from_levels_and_durations(levels: Sequence, durations: Sequence[float], curve_shapes: Optional[Sequence[Union[float, str]]] = None, offset: float = 0, clock: Optional[Clock] = None, units: str = 'beats') T[source]

Same as from_levels_and_durations(), but taking an optional clock and units parameter. (See TimeVaryingParameter)

classmethod from_levels(levels: Sequence, length: float = 1.0, offset: float = 0, clock: Optional[Clock] = None, units: str = 'beats') T[source]

Same as from_levels(), but taking an optional clock and units parameter. (See TimeVaryingParameter)

classmethod from_list(constructor_list: Sequence, clock: Optional[Clock] = None, units: str = 'beats') T[source]

Same as from_list(), but taking an optional clock and units parameter. (See TimeVaryingParameter)

classmethod from_points(*points: Sequence, clock: Optional[Clock] = None, units: str = 'beats') T[source]

Same as from_points(), but taking an optional clock and units parameter. (See TimeVaryingParameter)

classmethod release(duration: float, start_level=1, curve_shape: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None, clock: Optional[Clock] = None, units: str = 'beats') T[source]

Same as release(), but taking an optional clock and units parameter. (See TimeVaryingParameter)

classmethod ar(attack_length: float, release_length: float, peak_level=1, attack_shape: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None, release_shape: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None, clock: Optional[Clock] = None, units: str = 'beats') T[source]

Same as ar(), but taking an optional clock and units parameter. (See TimeVaryingParameter)

classmethod asr(attack_length: float, sustain_level, sustain_length: float, release_length: float, attack_shape: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None, release_shape: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None, clock: Optional[Clock] = None, units: str = 'beats') T[source]

Same as asr(), but taking an optional clock and units parameter. (See TimeVaryingParameter)

classmethod adsr(attack_length: float, attack_level, decay_length: float, sustain_level, sustain_length: float, release_length: float, attack_shape: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None, decay_shape: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None, release_shape: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None, clock: Optional[Clock] = None, units: str = 'beats') T[source]

Same as adsr(), but taking an optional clock and units parameter. (See TimeVaryingParameter)

classmethod from_function(function: Callable[[float], float], domain_start: float = 0, domain_end: float = 1, resolution_multiple: int = 2, key_point_precision: int = 2000, key_point_iterations: int = 5, clock: Optional[Clock] = None, units: str = 'beats') T[source]

Same as from_function(), but taking an optional clock and units parameter. (See TimeVaryingParameter)

append_envelope(envelope_to_append: T) T

Extends this envelope by another one (shifted to start at the end of this one).

append_segment(level, duration: float, curve_shape: Optional[float] = None, tolerance: float = 0, halfway_level=None) None

Append a segment to the end of the curve ending at level and lasting for duration. If we’re adding a linear segment to a linear segment, then we extend the last linear segment instead of adding a new one if the level is within tolerance of where the last one was headed

  • level – the level we’re going to

  • duration – the duration of the new segment

  • curve_shape – defaults to 0 (linear)

  • tolerance – tolerance for extending a linear segment rather than adding a new one

  • halfway_level – alternate way of defining the curve shape. If this is set and the curve shape is not then we use this to determine the curve shape.

average_level(t_range: Optional[tuple[float, float]] = None)

Returns the average value that the Envelope takes over the given range.


t_range – tuple defining the start and end time of the interval to check. If None, return the average level reached over the entire Envelope.

property curve_shapes: Sequence[Union[float, str]]

Tuple of all the segment curve shapes.

duplicate() T

Returns a copy of this object by serializing to and from JSON.

property durations: Sequence[float]

Tuple of all the segment lengths.


Ending value of the Envelope

end_time() float

End of the domain on which this Envelope is defined.

get_upper_integration_bound(t1: float, desired_area: float, max_error: float = 1e-10) float

Given a lower integration bound, find the upper bound that will result in the desired integral

  • t1 – lower bound of integration

  • desired_area – desired value of the integral.

  • max_error – the upper bound is found through a process of successive approximation; once we get within this error, the approximation is considered good enough.

insert(t, level, curve_shape_in=0, curve_shape_out=0) None

Insert a curve point at time t, and set the shape of the curve into and out of it. This essentially divides the segment at that point in two.

  • t – The time at which to add a point

  • level – The level of the new point we are adding

  • curve_shape_in – the curve shape of the new segment going into the point we are adding

  • curve_shape_out – the curve shape of the new segment going out of the point we are adding

insert_interpolated(t: float, min_difference: float = 1e-07) float

Insert another curve point at the given time, without changing the shape of the curve. A point only gets added if it’s at least min_difference from all existing control points.

  • t – the point at which to insert the point

  • min_difference – the minimum difference that this point has to be from an existing point on the curve in order for a new point to be added.


the t value at which we interpolated. If we try to insert within min_difference of an existing control point, then no new point is added, and we return the t of the nearest control point.

integrate_interval(t1: float, t2: float)

Get the definite integral under this Envelope from t1 to t2

  • t1 – lower bound of integration

  • t2 – upper bound of integration

is_shifted_version_of(other: T, tolerance: float = 1e-10) bool

Determines if this segment is simply a shifted version of another segment

  • other – another EnvelopeSegment

  • tolerance – how close it needs to be to count as the same

json_dumps() str

Dump this object as a JSON string. This uses a custom encoder that recognizes and appropriately converts any attributes that are object inheriting from SavesToJSON.

classmethod json_loads(s: str) T

Load this object from a JSON string. This uses a custom decoder that looks for a “_type” key in any object/dictionary being parsed and converts it to the class specified (assuming it a subclass of SavesToJSON).


s – a string representing this object in JSON format

length() float

The length of the domain on which this Envelope is defined (end time minus start time).

property levels: Sequence

Tuple of levels at all segment boundary points.

classmethod load_from_json(file_path: str) T

Load this object from a JSON file with the given path. This uses a custom decoder that looks for a “_type” key in any object/dictionary being parsed and converts it to the class specified (assuming it a subclass of SavesToJSON).


file_path – path for loading the file

local_extrema(include_saddle_points: bool = False) Sequence[float]

Returns a list of the times where the curve changes direction.


include_saddle_points – if True, also include points where the curve starts to plateau


Returns the maximum absolute value of the slope over the entire Envelope.

max_level(t_range: Optional[tuple[float, float]] = None)

Returns the highest value that the Envelope takes over the given range.


t_range – tuple defining the start and end time of the interval to check. If None, return the max level reached over the entire Envelope.

min_level(t_range: Optional[tuple[float, float]] = None)

Returns the lowest value that the Envelope takes over the given range.


t_range – tuple defining the start and end time of the interval to check. If None, return the max level reached over the entire Envelope.

normalize_to_duration(desired_duration: float, in_place: bool = True) T

Stretch or squeeze the segments of this Envelope so that it has the desired total duration.

  • desired_duration – the desired new duration of the Envelope

  • in_place – if True, modifies this Envelope in place; if False, makes a copy first

property offset: float

Alias for Envelope.start_time().

pop_segment() EnvelopeSegment | None

Remove and return the last segment of this Envelope. If there is only one segment, reduce it to length zero and return None.

pop_segment_from_start() EnvelopeSegment | None

Remove and return the first segment of this Envelope. If there is only one segment, reduce it to length zero and return None.

prepend_envelope(envelope_to_prepend: T) T

Extends this envelope backwards by another one (shifted to end at the start of this one).

prepend_segment(level, duration: float, curve_shape: Optional[float] = None, tolerance: float = 0, halfway_level=None) None

Prepend a segment to the beginning of the curve, starting at level and lasting for duration. If we’re adding a linear segment to a linear segment, then we extend the last linear segment instead of adding a new one if the level is within tolerance of where the last one was headed

  • level – the level that the prepended segment starts at

  • duration – the duration of the new segment

  • curve_shape – defaults to 0 (linear)

  • tolerance – tolerance for extending a linear segment rather than adding a new one

  • halfway_level – alternate way of defining the curve shape. If this is set and the curve shape is not then we use this to determine the curve shape.

remove_segments_after(t: float) None

Removes all segments after the given time (including a partial segment if t lands in the middle of a segment).


t – the point at which this Envelope is to be truncated.

remove_segments_before(t: float) None

Removes all segments before the given time (including a partial segment if t lands in the middle of a segment).


t – the point at which this Envelope is to be truncated.

save_to_json(file_path: str) None

Save this object to a JSON file using the given path. This uses a custom encoder that recognizes and appropriately converts any attributes that are object inheriting from SavesToJSON.


file_path – path for saving the file

scale_horizontal(amount: float) T

Scales the domain of this Envelope by the specified amount.


amount – amount to scale domain by


self, for chaining purposes

scale_vertical(amount) T

Scales the levels of this segment by the specified amount.


amount – amount to scale output by


self, for chaining purposes

shift_horizontal(amount: float) T

Shifts the domain of this Envelope by the specified amount.


amount – the amount to shift the domain by


self, for chaining purposes

shift_vertical(amount) T

Shifts the levels of this Envelope the specified amount.


amount – the amount to shift up and down by


self, for chaining purposes

show_plot(title: Optional[str] = None, resolution: int = 25, show_segment_divisions: bool = True, x_range: Optional[tuple[float, float]] = None, y_range: Optional[tuple[float, float]] = None) None

Shows a plot of this Envelope using matplotlib.

  • title – A title to give the plot.

  • resolution – number of points to use per envelope segment

  • show_segment_divisions – Whether or not to place dots at the division points between envelope segments

  • x_range – min and max value shown on the x-axis

  • y_range – min and max value shown on the y-axis

split_at(t: Union[float, Sequence[float]], change_original: bool = False, zero_out_offsets: bool = True) Sequence[T]

Splits the Envelope at one or several points and returns a tuple of the pieces

  • t – either the time t or a tuple/list of times t at which to split the curve

  • change_original – if true, the original Envelope gets turned into the first of the returned tuple

  • zero_out_offsets – if true, each new piece is shifted to start at zero


tuple of Envelopes representing the pieces this has been split into


Beginning value of the Envelope

start_time() float

Beginning of the domain on which this Envelope is defined.

property times: Sequence[float]

Tuple of all the segment start times.

value_at(t: float, from_left: bool = False)

Get the value of this Envelope at the given time.

  • t – the time

  • from_left – if true, get the limit as we approach t from the left. In the case of a zero-length segment, which suddenly changes the value, this tells us what the value was right before the jump instead of right after the jump.