
scamp_extensions.composers.barlicity.calculate_metric_coherence(rhythmic_strata_1: Sequence[Union[Tuple, int]], bar_tempo_1: float, rhythmic_strata_2: Sequence[Union[Tuple, int]], bar_tempo_2: float, standard_barlow: bool = True) float[source]

Calculates the “metric coherence” of two meters, as described on pages 46-47 of Barlow’s “On Musiquantics”. Essentially this is a (square) correlation between the indispensabilities of the two meters when they are placed side-by-side. Often this will require first subdiving one or both of the meters further so that they share a common basic pulse.

  • rhythmic_strata_1 – Metric strata defining the first meter, of the exact same type that would be passed to get_indispensability_array() or to get_standard_indispensability_array(). (Which of these functions it gets passed to depends on the standard_barlow argument.

  • bar_tempo_1 – Number of complete cycles of the first meter per minute.

  • rhythmic_strata_2 – Metric strata defining the second meter.

  • bar_tempo_2 – Number of complete cycles of the second meter per minute.

  • standard_barlow – Whether or not to interpret the rhythmic strata using the standard Barlow version of indispensability, or my slightly broader version that allows additive layers.


the coherence of the two meters as a float between 0 and 1