
class scamp.spelling.SpellingPolicy(step_alteration_pairs: Sequence[tuple[int, int]] = ((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (2, -1), (2, 0), (3, 0), (3, 1), (4, 0), (5, -1), (5, 0), (6, -1), (6, 0)))[source]

Bases: SavesToJSON, NoteProperty

Object that translates pitches or pitch classes to the actual spelling used in a score


step_alteration_pairs – a list of 12 (step, alteration) tuples showing how to spell each pitch class. The step corresponds to the letter-name of the note, and the alteration to its accidental. So (3, -1) represents an E-flat.


step_alteration_pairs – list of 12 (step, alteration) tuples showing how to spell each pitch class.



Constructs a flats-only SpellingPolicy


Constructs a sharps-only SpellingPolicy

from_circle_of_fifths_position(...[, ...])

Constructs a spelling policy by transposing a template around the circles of fifths


Constructs a SpellingPolicy from several possible input string formats


Interpret an object of unknown type as a SpellingPolicy


Convert a given MIDI pitch to an abjad NamedPitch according to this SpellingPolicy


Convert a given MIDI pitch to an abjad pymusicxml Pitch object according to this SpellingPolicy


For a given pitch, determine its name, octave and alteration under this SpellingPolicy.

Inherited Methods


Returns a copy of this object by serializing to and from JSON.


Dump this object as a JSON string.


Load this object from a JSON string.


Load this object from a JSON file with the given path.


Save this object to a JSON file using the given path.

classmethod all_sharps(including_white_keys: bool = False) SpellingPolicy[source]

Constructs a sharps-only SpellingPolicy


including_white_keys – if True, even white keys like D will be spelled as C-double-sharp

classmethod all_flats(including_white_keys: bool = False) SpellingPolicy[source]

Constructs a flats-only SpellingPolicy


including_white_keys – if True, even white keys like D will be spelled as E-double-flat

classmethod from_circle_of_fifths_position(num_sharps_or_flats: int, avoid_double_accidentals: bool = False, template: Sequence[tuple[int, int]] = ((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (2, -1), (2, 0), (3, 0), (3, 1), (4, 0), (5, -1), (5, 0), (6, -1), (6, 0))) SpellingPolicy[source]

Constructs a spelling policy by transposing a template around the circles of fifths

  • num_sharps_or_flats – how many steps sharp or flat to transpose around the circle of fifths. For instance, if set to 4, our tonic is E, and if set to -3, our tonic is Eb

  • avoid_double_accidentals – if true, replaces double sharps and flats with simpler spelling

  • template – by default, uses sharp-2, flat-3, sharp-4, flat-6, and flat-7

classmethod from_string(string_initializer: str) SpellingPolicy[source]

Constructs a SpellingPolicy from several possible input string formats


string_initializer – one of the following: - a key center (case insensitive), such as “C#” or “f” or “Gb” - a key center followed by a mode, such as “g minor” or “Bb locrian”. Most modes to not alter the way spelling is done, but certain modes like phrygian and locrian do. - “flat”/”b” or “sharp”/”#”, indicating that any note, even a white key, is to be expressed with the specified accidental. Most useful for spelling known individual notes - “flats”/”sharps” indicating that black keys will be spelled with the specified accidental, but white keys will remain unaltered. (Turns out “flats” is equivalent to “Bb” and “sharps” is equivalent to “A”.)

classmethod interpret(obj: SpellingPolicy | str | tuple) SpellingPolicy[source]

Interpret an object of unknown type as a SpellingPolicy


obj – an object to interpret as a SpellingPolicy; accepts SpellingPolicy, string, or tuple of alterations


a SpellingPolicy

resolve_name_octave_and_alteration(midi_num: int) tuple[str, int, int][source]

For a given pitch, determine its name, octave and alteration under this SpellingPolicy.


midi_num – a MIDI pitch value


a tuple of (name, octave, alteration)

resolve_abjad_pitch(midi_num: int) abjad.NamedPitch[source]

Convert a given MIDI pitch to an abjad NamedPitch according to this SpellingPolicy


midi_num – a MIDI pitch value

resolve_music_xml_pitch(midi_num: int) Pitch[source]

Convert a given MIDI pitch to an abjad pymusicxml Pitch object according to this SpellingPolicy


midi_num – a MIDI pitch value

duplicate() T

Returns a copy of this object by serializing to and from JSON.

json_dumps() str

Dump this object as a JSON string. This uses a custom encoder that recognizes and appropriately converts any attributes that are object inheriting from SavesToJSON.

classmethod json_loads(s: str) T

Load this object from a JSON string. This uses a custom decoder that looks for a “_type” key in any object/dictionary being parsed and converts it to the class specified (assuming it a subclass of SavesToJSON).


s – a string representing this object in JSON format

classmethod load_from_json(file_path: str) T

Load this object from a JSON file with the given path. This uses a custom decoder that looks for a “_type” key in any object/dictionary being parsed and converts it to the class specified (assuming it a subclass of SavesToJSON).


file_path – path for loading the file

save_to_json(file_path: str) None

Save this object to a JSON file using the given path. This uses a custom encoder that recognizes and appropriately converts any attributes that are object inheriting from SavesToJSON.


file_path – path for saving the file