Source code for scamp_extensions.playback.supercollider.sc_playback_implementation

Module containing the :class:`SCPlaybackImplementation` class (an extension of
:class:`~scamp.playback_implementations.OSCPlaybackImplementation`), which can be added to an instance of

#  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  #
#  This file is part of SCAMP (Suite for Computer-Assisted Music in Python)                      #
#  Copyright © 2020 Marc Evanstein <>.                                     #
#                                                                                                #
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of    #
#  the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version   #
#  3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.                                      #
#                                                                                                #
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;     #
#  without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.     #
#  See the GNU General Public License for more details.                                          #
#                                                                                                #
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.    #
#  If not, see <>.                                                   #
#  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  #

from scamp.playback_implementations import OSCPlaybackImplementation
from .sc_lang import SCLangInstance
from scamp.instruments import ScampInstrument, Ensemble
from scamp.utilities import resolve_path

[docs]class SCPlaybackImplementation(OSCPlaybackImplementation): """ A subclass of :class:`~scamp.playback_implementations.OSCPlaybackImplementation` designed to communicate with a running copy of SCLang (via an :class:`~scamp_extensions.supercollider.sc_lang.SCLangInstance`). :param host_instrument: the host instrument for this playback implementation :param synth_def: a string of SCLang code representing the SynthDef to run. This should take at least the the arguments "freq" (to which the pitch is sent), "volume" (to which the not volume is sent), and "gate" (which is used to start and stop the note). """ sclang_instance = None def __init__(self, synth_def: str): if SCPlaybackImplementation.sclang_instance is None: SCPlaybackImplementation.sclang_instance = SCLangInstance() if synth_def.isalnum() or synth_def[0] == "\\" and synth_def[1:].isalnum(): # just the name of the synth_def def_name = synth_def.replace("\\", "") compile_synth_def = False else: def_name = synth_def.split("\\")[1].split(",")[0].strip() compile_synth_def = True super().__init__(SCPlaybackImplementation.sclang_instance.port, ip_address="", message_prefix=def_name) if compile_synth_def: SCPlaybackImplementation.sclang_instance.new_synth_def(synth_def)
[docs]def add_sc_extensions(): """ Adds several new functions to the :class:`~scamp.instruments.ScampInstrument` class, as well as to the :class:`~scamp.instruments.Ensemble` (and therefore :class:`~scamp.session.Session`). New instance methods of `ScampInstrument`: ``add_supercollider_playback(self, synth_def: str)``: takes a string containing a SuperCollider SynthDef, and adds a :class:`SCPlaybackImplementation` to this instrument that uses that SynthDef to synthesize sound. (This starts up instances of sclang and scsynth in the background.) ``remove_supercollider_playback(self)``: removes the (most recently added) :class:`SCPlaybackImplementation` from this instrument's playback_implementations. New instance methods of `Ensemble` / `Session`: ``new_supercollider_part(self, name: str, synth_def: str)``: Similarly to any of the other "new_part" methods, this adds and returns a newly created ScampInstrument that uses an :class:`SCPlaybackImplementation` based on the given synth def string. ``get_sclang_instance(self)``: Returns the instance of :class:`SCLangInstance` that this ensemble is using for supercollider playback (or creates one if none is running). ``start_recording_sc_output(self, path, num_channels=2)``: Tells SuperCollider to start recording the playback to and audio file at the given path, using the specified number of channels. ``stop_recording_sc_output(self)``: Stops recording SuperCollider playback to an audio file. """ def _add_supercollider_playback(self, synth_def): self.playback_implementations.append(SCPlaybackImplementation(synth_def)) return self def _remove_supercollider_playback(self): for index in reversed(range(len(self.playback_implementations))): if isinstance(self.playback_implementations[index], SCPlaybackImplementation): self.playback_implementations.pop(index) break return self ScampInstrument.add_supercollider_playback = _add_supercollider_playback ScampInstrument.remove_supercollider_playback = _remove_supercollider_playback def _new_supercollider_part(self, name=None, synth_def=None): assert synth_def is not None name = "Track " + str(len(self.instruments) + 1) if name is None else name instrument = self.new_silent_part(name) instrument.add_supercollider_playback(synth_def) return instrument Ensemble.new_supercollider_part = _new_supercollider_part def _get_sc_instance(self): if SCPlaybackImplementation in self.shared_resources: if "sclang_instance" in self.shared_resources[SCPlaybackImplementation]: return self.shared_resources[SCPlaybackImplementation]["sclang_instance"] else: new_sc_instance = SCLangInstance() self.shared_resources[SCPlaybackImplementation]["sclang_instance"] = SCLangInstance() else: new_sc_instance = SCLangInstance() self.shared_resources[SCPlaybackImplementation] = {"sclang_instance": new_sc_instance} return new_sc_instance Ensemble.get_sclang_instance = _get_sc_instance def _start_recording_sc_output(self, path, num_channels=2): self.get_sclang_instance().send_message("/recording/start", [resolve_path(path), num_channels]) def _stop_recording_sc_output(self): self.get_sclang_instance().send_message("/recording/stop", 0) Ensemble.start_recording_sc_output = _start_recording_sc_output Ensemble.stop_recording_sc_output = _stop_recording_sc_output