Module containing classes that deal with music notation. These classes represent the music hierarchically; in order from
largest to smallest: :class:`Score`, :class:`StaffGroup`, :class:`Staff`, :class:`Voice`, :class:`Measure`,
:class:`Voice`, :class:`Tuplet`, and :class:`NoteLike`. One important role of the classes in this module is to
provide export functionality to both MusicXML and LilyPond.
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
# This file is part of SCAMP (Suite for Computer-Assisted Music in Python) #
# Copyright © 2020 Marc Evanstein <marc@marcevanstein.com>. #
# #
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of #
# the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version #
# 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; #
# without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. #
# See the GNU General Public License for more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. #
# If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
from __future__ import annotations
from numbers import Real
from . import settings
from .settings import quantization_settings, engraving_settings
from expenvelope import Envelope
from .quantization import QuantizationRecord, QuantizationScheme, QuantizedMeasure, TimeSignature
from . import performance as performance_module # to distinguish it from variables named performance
from .utilities import prime_factor, floor_x_to_pow_of_y, is_x_pow_of_y, ceil_to_multiple, floor_to_multiple
from ._engraving_translations import length_to_note_type, get_xml_notehead, get_lilypond_notehead_name, \
articulation_to_xml_element_name, notations_to_xml_notations_element, attach_abjad_notation_to_note, \
from .note_properties import NoteProperties
from .text import StaffText
import pymusicxml
from pymusicxml.score_components import _XMLNote, MusicXMLComponent
from ._dependencies import abjad
import math
from fractions import Fraction
from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import accumulate, count
import textwrap
from collections import namedtuple
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import logging
from ._metric_structure import MetricStructure
from typing import Sequence, Type, Iterator
from clockblocks import TempoEnvelope
# Assorted Utilities
def _is_undotted_length(length):
return length in length_to_note_type
def _get_basic_length_and_num_dots(length):
length = Fraction(length).limit_denominator()
if _is_undotted_length(length):
return length, 0
dots_multiplier = 1.5
dots = 1
while not _is_undotted_length(length / dots_multiplier):
dots += 1
dots_multiplier = (2.0 ** (dots + 1) - 1) / 2.0 ** dots
if dots > engraving_settings.max_dots_allowed:
raise ValueError("Duration length of {} does not resolve to single note type.".format(length))
return length / dots_multiplier, dots
def _is_single_note_length(length):
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def _length_to_undotted_constituents(length):
# fix any floating point inaccuracies
length = Fraction(length).limit_denominator()
length_parts = []
while length > 0:
this_part = floor_x_to_pow_of_y(length, 2.0)
length -= this_part
return length_parts
def _get_beat_division_hierarchy(beat_length, beat_divisor, small_to_big=True):
# In general, it's best to divide a beat into the smaller prime factors first. For instance, a 6 tuple is probably
# easiest as two groups of 3 rather than 3 groups of 2. (This is definitely debatable and context dependent.)
# An special case occurs when the beat naturally wants to divide a certain way. For instance, a beat of length 1.5
# divided into 6 will prefer to divide into 3s first and then 2s.
# first, get the divisor prime factors from big to small (or small to big if set)
divisor_factors = sorted(prime_factor(beat_divisor), reverse=not small_to_big)
# then get the natural divisors of the beat length from big to small
natural_factors = sorted(prime_factor(Fraction(beat_length).limit_denominator().numerator), reverse=True)
# now for each natural factor
for natural_factor in natural_factors:
# if it's a factor of the divisor
if natural_factor in divisor_factors:
# then pop it and move it to the front
divisor_factors.insert(0, natural_factor)
# (Note that we sorted the natural factors from big to small so that the small ones get
# pushed to the front last and end up at the very beginning of the queue)
return MetricStructure.from_string("*".join(str(x) for x in divisor_factors), True).get_beat_depths()
def _worsen_hierarchy_tuples(hierarchy, how_much=1, in_place=True):
Takes a beat hierarchy list and bumps everything surrounding a tuple up by how_much at each layer of structure.
Essentially, this increases the distance between the layers, making tuplet subdivisions act more like subdivisions
of 4 than subdivisions of 2.
:param hierarchy: the original hierarchy list
:param how_much, how much to worsen tuples more than 2 by
:param in_place: modify hierarchy in place
:return: the altered hierarchy list (also alters in place)
if not in_place:
hierarchy = list(hierarchy)
for level in reversed(range(1, max(hierarchy) + 1)):
last_lower_value_at = None
streak = 0
for i, value in enumerate(hierarchy):
if value < level:
# check if we had a streak
if streak > 1:
# if so, that indicates a tuple a this level of hierarchy. We boost everything since we
# saw a lower level, including higher numbers than the current level
for j in range(last_lower_value_at + 1, i):
hierarchy[j] += how_much
# ... regardless, reset the streak counter, and last time we saw a lower level
streak = 0
last_lower_value_at = i
elif value == level:
streak += 1
if streak > 1:
for j in range(last_lower_value_at + 1, len(hierarchy)):
hierarchy[j] += how_much
return hierarchy
def _get_beat_division_grids(beat_hierarchy):
out = []
for thresh in range(max(beat_hierarchy)):
out.append([x for x in range(len(beat_hierarchy)) if beat_hierarchy[x] <= thresh])
return out
# should maybe memoize?
def _is_single_note_viable_grouping(length_in_subdivisions, max_dots=1):
This tests if a note that is length_in_subdivisions subdivisions long can be represented by a single note.
For instance, suppose the subdivision is a 16th note: if length_in_subdivisions is 7, we're asking whether we
can represent, with one notehead, a not of length 7 16th notes. The answer is False with max_dots = 1, but
True with max_dots = 2, since a double-dotted quarter satisfies our requirement.
:param length_in_subdivisions: how many subdivisions we wish to combine
:param max_dots: max dots we are allowing
dot_multipliers = [2 - 2**(-x) for x in range(max_dots+1)]
for dot_multiplier in dot_multipliers:
if Fraction(math.log2(length_in_subdivisions / dot_multiplier)).limit_denominator().denominator == 1:
return True
return False
def _get_best_recombination_given_beat_hierarchy(note_division_points, beat_hierarchy_list, is_rest=False):
Takes a list of points on an isochronous grid representing the start and end times of the components of a note,
along with a list of the beat hierarchies for that grid. Returns a merged list of component start and end
times, in which important division points are preserved and less important ones are removed.
:param note_division_points: list of the points on the isochronous grid representing note component starts and ends
:param beat_hierarchy_list: the result of _get_beat_division_hierarchy; a list of values for each beat in an
isochronous grid, where 0 is the most important beat (always the downbeat), 1 is the next most important kind
of beat, etc.
:param is_rest: changes the settings, by default in such a way that less recombination happens
:return: a new, better, I dare say shinier, list of note division points.
# the factor that the badness goes up from one rung of the beat hierarchy to the next.
# A high value makes greater differentiation between important and less important beats, probably
# leading to less recombination in favor of clearer delineation of the beat structure.
beat_hierarchy_spacing = engraving_settings.rest_beat_hierarchy_spacing if is_rest \
else engraving_settings.beat_hierarchy_spacing
# ranging from 0 to 1, this penalizes using more than one component to represent a note.
# It acts as a counterbalance to beat_hierarchy_spacing, as it encourages recombination. The balance of the two
# parameters needs to be correct if we want to get notation that expresses the beat hierarchy, but with as few
# tied notes as possible.
num_divisions_penalty = engraving_settings.rest_num_divisions_penalty if is_rest \
else engraving_settings.num_divisions_penalty
adjusted_hierarchies = [beat_hierarchy_spacing ** x for x in beat_hierarchy_list]
# if we have long notes made up of a ton of parts, we would run into number crunching hell trying all the
# possible recombinations. So instead, we break the note division points list into subgroups no longer than 5
# and then get the best recombination for each subgroup, and stick them all together.
subgroups = _break_up_large_division_points_list(note_division_points, beat_hierarchy_list, 5)
best_option = ()
best_score = 0
for subgroup in subgroups:
best_subgroup_option, best_subgroup_score = _get_best_subgroup_recombination_option(
subgroup, adjusted_hierarchies, num_divisions_penalty)
best_option += best_subgroup_option
best_score += best_subgroup_score
return best_option, best_score
def _break_up_large_division_points_list(division_points, hierarchies, max_subgroup_length=8):
if len(division_points) > max_subgroup_length:
# break at the division point with the lowest (i.e. most important) hierarchy value
i = division_points.index(max(*division_points[1:-1], key=lambda x: -hierarchies[x]))
return _break_up_large_division_points_list(division_points[:i], hierarchies, max_subgroup_length) + \
_break_up_large_division_points_list(division_points[i:], hierarchies, max_subgroup_length)
return division_points,
def _get_best_subgroup_recombination_option(note_division_points, adjusted_hierarchies, num_divisions_penalty):
# if there's only one division point in this subgroup, then there's no way of recombining it!
if len(note_division_points) == 1:
return tuple(note_division_points), 0
# translate time-points on the isochronous grid to durations in isochronous units after the start of the note
component_lengths = [division - last_division
for last_division, division in zip(note_division_points[:-1], note_division_points[1:])]
assert all(_is_single_note_viable_grouping(x, max_dots=engraving_settings.max_dots_allowed)
for x in component_lengths), "Somehow we got an division of a note into un-notatable components"
# get every possible combination of these components that keeps each component representable as a single note
recombination_options_lengths = [
option for option in _get_recombination_options(*component_lengths)
if all(_is_single_note_viable_grouping(component, max_dots=engraving_settings.max_dots_allowed)
for component in option)
# now, finally, we make ourselves a list options for division-point lists, each of which represents a recombination
# option. These are now time-points (rather than durations), so we can check them against the beat_hierarchy_list
# to see which one finds the best balance between expressing the metric structure and doing so with few components
recombination_options = [tuple(note_division_points[0] + x for x in accumulate((0, ) + option))
for option in recombination_options_lengths]
if len(recombination_options) == 1:
return recombination_options[0], 0
best_score = float("inf")
best_option = None
num_beats = len(adjusted_hierarchies)
for option in recombination_options:
# adjusted_hierarchies[x] represents the badness of a given division point, since we want to divide on
# important beats, and important beats have low values in the beat_hierarchy_list
# if num_divisions_penalty is 0, we're dividing by the number of scores, so it's basically average badness
# if num_divisions_penalty is 1, we're dividing by 1, so it's total badness
score = sum(adjusted_hierarchies[x % num_beats] for x in option) / len(option) ** (1 - num_divisions_penalty)
if score < best_score:
best_option = option
best_score = score
elif score == best_score:
if _get_num_bad_crossings(option, adjusted_hierarchies) < \
_get_num_bad_crossings(best_option, adjusted_hierarchies):
best_option = option
best_score = score
return best_option, best_score
def _get_num_bad_crossings(recombination_option, hierarchies):
# we generally want to avoid crossing important beats with components that start or end with less important ones
# e.g. in 9/8, with hierarchies [0, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2], the tie combination (2, 3, 9) should be preferable
# to the combination (2, 6, 9) since even though they land on the same kinds of beats, the latter option has a
# component from 2 to 6 that crosses the important beat 3 but starts on the weak beat 2
for start_segment, end_segment in zip(recombination_option[:-1], recombination_option[1:]):
# it's not looking through each segment!
threshold = max(hierarchies[start_segment], hierarchies[end_segment % len(hierarchies)])
return sum(hierarchies[x] < threshold for x in range(start_segment+1, end_segment))
def _get_recombination_options(*component_lengths):
if len(component_lengths) == 1:
return component_lengths,
return _get_recombination_options(component_lengths[0] + component_lengths[1], *component_lengths[2:]) + \
tuple((component_lengths[0], ) + x for x in _get_recombination_options(*component_lengths[1:]))
def _join_same_source_abjad_note_group(same_source_group):
# look pairwise to see if we need to tie or gliss
# sometimes a note will gliss, then sit at a static pitch
gliss_present = False
for note_pair in zip(same_source_group[:-1], same_source_group[1:]):
if isinstance(note_pair[0], abjad().Note) and note_pair[0].written_pitch == note_pair[1].written_pitch or \
isinstance(note_pair[0], abjad().Chord) and note_pair[0].written_pitches == note_pair[1].written_pitches:
gliss_present = True
if gliss_present and engraving_settings.glissandi.slur_glisses:
# if any of the segments gliss, we might attach a slur
# generates unique ids for gliss slurs that won't conflict with manual slurs
_xml_gliss_slur_id_counter = count()
def _join_same_source_xml_note_group(same_source_group):
available_gliss_numbers = list(range(1, 7))
# since each gliss needs to be associated with an unambiguous number, here we keep track of which
# glisses we've started and which numbers are still free / have been freed up by a gliss that ended
glisses_started_notes = []
glisses_started_numbers = []
gliss_present = False
for i, this_note_or_chord in enumerate(same_source_group):
if isinstance(this_note_or_chord, pymusicxml.Note):
if i < len(same_source_group) - 1:
# not the last note of the group, so it starts a tie or gliss
next_note_or_chord = same_source_group[i + 1]
if this_note_or_chord.pitch == next_note_or_chord.pitch:
# it's a tie
this_note_or_chord.starts_tie = True
# it's a gliss
this_note_or_chord.starts_tie = False
if len(available_gliss_numbers) > 0:
this_gliss_number = available_gliss_numbers.pop(0)
logging.warning("Ran out of available numbers to assign glisses in XML output. "
"Some glisses will be omitted")
gliss_present = True
if i > 0:
# not the first note of the group, so it ends a tie or gliss
last_note_or_chord = same_source_group[i - 1]
if this_note_or_chord.pitch == last_note_or_chord.pitch:
# it's a tie
this_note_or_chord.ends_tie = True
# it's a gliss
this_note_or_chord.ends_tie = False
which_start_gliss = glisses_started_notes.index(last_note_or_chord)
# if which_start_gliss is -1, it means we couldn't find the start gliss
# this is because we ran out of gliss numbers in starting the gliss
if which_start_gliss >= 0:
gliss_number = glisses_started_numbers.pop(which_start_gliss)
gliss_present = True
elif isinstance(this_note_or_chord, pymusicxml.Chord):
next_note_or_chord = same_source_group[i + 1] if i < len(same_source_group) - 1 else None
last_note_or_chord = same_source_group[i - 1] if i > 0 else None
for j, note in enumerate(this_note_or_chord.notes):
if next_note_or_chord is not None:
# find the corresponding note in the next chord
next_note = next_note_or_chord.notes[j]
if note.pitch == next_note.pitch:
# this note starts a tie to the corresponding note in the next chord
note.starts_tie = True
# this note starts a gliss to the corresponding note in the next chord
note.starts_tie = False
if len(available_gliss_numbers) > 0:
this_gliss_number = available_gliss_numbers.pop(0)
logging.warning("Ran out of available numbers to assign glisses in XML output. "
"Some glisses will be omitted.")
gliss_present = True
if last_note_or_chord is not None:
# find the corresponding note in the last chord
last_note = last_note_or_chord.notes[j]
if note.pitch == last_note.pitch:
# this note ends a tie from the corresponding note in the last chord
note.stops_tie = True
# this note ends a gliss from the corresponding note in the last chord
note.stops_tie = False
# find the gliss that was started by the corresponding note in the previous chord
which_start_gliss = glisses_started_notes.index(last_note)
gliss_number = glisses_started_numbers.pop(which_start_gliss)
# return this gliss number to the pool of available numbers
except ValueError:
# if this is false, the start of the gliss couldn't be found, which suggests that we ran
# out of available numbers to assign to the glisses. So we skip the StopGliss notation
gliss_present = True
if gliss_present and engraving_settings.glissandi.slur_glisses:
# this unique id will get intelligently converted to a number from 1 to 6 by pymusicxml
slur_id = "glissSlur{}".format(next(_xml_gliss_slur_id_counter))
# add slur notation to the very first note and last note
def _get_clef_from_average_pitch_and_clef_choices(average_pitch: float,
clef_choices: Sequence[str | tuple[str, Real]]) -> str:
# find the clef whose pitch center is closest to the average pitch
closest_clef = None
closest_distance = float("inf")
for clef_choice in clef_choices:
if isinstance(clef_choice, (tuple, list)):
# clef_choice can either be a tuple of (clef name, clef pitch center)
clef, clef_pitch_center = clef_choice
# ...or just the clef name, in which case look up the default pitch center
clef, clef_pitch_center = clef_choice, engraving_settings.clef_pitch_centers[clef_choice]
dist = abs(clef_pitch_center - average_pitch)
if dist < closest_distance:
closest_clef = clef
closest_distance = dist
return closest_clef
# Abstract Classes
[docs]class ScoreComponent(ABC):
Abstract class from which all of the user-facing classes in this module inherit. Provides a consistent interface
for wrapping any object up as a Score and converting to LilyPond and MusicXML output.
def _to_abjad(self) -> abjad().Component:
Convert this to the abjad version of the component.
The reason this is a protected member is that the user-facing "to_abjad" takes the output of this function
and adds some necessary LilyPond overrides and definitions.
[docs] @abstractmethod
def to_music_xml(self) -> MusicXMLComponent:
Convert this score component to its corresponding pymusicxml component
[docs] def export_music_xml(self, file_path: str, pretty_print: bool = True) -> None:
Convert and wrap as a MusicXML score, and save to the given path.
:param file_path: file path to save to
:param pretty_print: whether or not to take the extra space and format the file with indentations, etc.
self.to_music_xml().export_to_file(file_path, pretty_print=pretty_print)
[docs] def print_music_xml(self, pretty_print: bool = True) -> None:
Convert and wrap as a MusicXML score, and print the resulting XML.
:param pretty_print: whether or not to take the extra space and format the file with indentations, etc.
[docs] def show_xml(self) -> None:
Convert and wrap as a MusicXML score, and open it up in notation software.
(The software to use is defined in engraving_settings.show_music_xml_command_line.)
except OSError:
raise Exception("Command \"{}\" for showing musicXML failed. Either install the relevant program, or \n"
"change the value of \"show_music_xml_command_line\" in the engraving_settings to use "
"your program of choice.".format(engraving_settings.show_music_xml_command_line))
[docs] def to_abjad(self, wrap_as_file: bool = False, non_score_blocks: Sequence = None,
**lilypond_file_args) -> abjad().Component:
Convert this score component to its corresponding abjad component
:param wrap_as_file: if True, wraps this as an :class:`abjad.LilypondFile`
:param non_score_blocks: (Only applicable if `wrap_as_file` is set to True). A list of :class:`abjad.Block`
objects (or strings containing the LilyPond code for such a block, which are then parsed by abjad).
Typical blocks might be a \header block, a \layout block, or a \paper block. If no header block is
specified, one will be created with the score's title and composer. If a header is specified, title and
composer will be added if not present.
:param lilypond_file_args: any additional keyword arguments will be passed along to the constructor of
:class:`abjad.LilyPondFile` (assuming wrap_as_file is True). This allows for setting staff size and
various other customizations.
assert abjad() is not None, "Abjad is required for this operation."
if wrap_as_file:
return self._to_abjad_lilypond_file(non_score_blocks=non_score_blocks, **lilypond_file_args)
abjad_object = self._to_abjad()
logging.warning(f"abjad representation may require inclusion of SCAMP lilypond template at "
f"{settings.lilypond_template_path} to compile correctly.")
return abjad_object
def _to_abjad_lilypond_file(self, non_score_blocks: Sequence = None,
**lilypond_file_args) -> abjad().LilyPondFile:
Convert and wrap as an :class:`abjad.LilyPondFile` object.
:param non_score_blocks: a list of :class:`abjad.Block` objects (or strings containing the LilyPond code for
such a block, which are then parsed by abjad); typical blocks might be a \header block, a
\layout block, or a \paper block. If no header block is specified, one will be created with the score's
title and composer. If a header is specified, title and composer will be added if not present.
:param lilypond_file_args: any additional keyword arguments will be passed along to the constructor of
:class:`abjad.LilyPondFile`. This allows for setting staff size and various other customizations.
assert abjad() is not None, "Abjad is required for this operation."
title = self.title if hasattr(self, "title") else None
composer = self.composer if hasattr(self, "composer") else None
abjad_object = self._to_abjad()
if non_score_blocks is None:
non_score_blocks = []
non_score_blocks = [abjad().parse(block) if isinstance(block, str) else block for block in non_score_blocks]
for block in non_score_blocks:
if block.name == "header":
header_block = block
header_block = abjad().Block(name="header")
non_score_blocks.insert(0, header_block)
if title is not None and not hasattr(header_block, "title"):
header_block.title = abjad().Markup(r'\markup { ' + title + ' }')
if composer is not None and not hasattr(header_block, "composer"):
header_block.composer = abjad().Markup(r'\markup { ' + composer + ' }')
score_block = abjad().Block(name="score")
non_score_blocks.insert(0, rf'\include "{settings.lilypond_template_path}"')
abjad_lilypond_file = abjad().LilyPondFile(items=non_score_blocks + [score_block], **lilypond_file_args)
return abjad_lilypond_file
[docs] def export_lilypond(self, file_path: str, non_score_blocks: Sequence = None, **lilypond_file_args) -> None:
Convert and wrap as a LilyPond (.ly) file, and save to the given path.
:param file_path: file path to save to
:param non_score_blocks: a list of :class:`abjad.Block` objects (or strings containing the LilyPond code for
such a block, which are then parsed by abjad); typical blocks might be a \header block, a
\layout block, or a \paper block. If no header block is specified, one will be created with the score's
title and composer. If a header is specified, title and composer will be added if not present.
:param lilypond_file_args: any additional keyword arguments will be passed along to the constructor of
:class:`abjad.LilyPondFile` (assuming wrap_as_file is True). This allows for setting staff size and
various other customizations.
with open(file_path, "w") as output_file:
output_file.write(abjad().lilypond(self.to_abjad(wrap_as_file=True, non_score_blocks=non_score_blocks,
[docs] def export_pdf(self, file_path: str, non_score_blocks: Sequence = None, **lilypond_file_args) -> None:
Exports score as a PDF file and saves it to the given file_path
:param file_path: where to save the PDF
:param non_score_blocks: a list of :class:`abjad.Block` objects (or strings containing the LilyPond code for
such a block, which are then parsed by abjad); typical blocks might be a \header block, a
\layout block, or a \paper block. If no header block is specified, one will be created with the score's
title and composer. If a header is specified, title and composer will be added if not present.
:param lilypond_file_args: any additional keyword arguments will be passed along to the constructor of
:class:`abjad.LilyPondFile` (assuming wrap_as_file is True). This allows for setting staff size and
various other customizations.
self.to_abjad(wrap_as_file=True, non_score_blocks=non_score_blocks, **lilypond_file_args), file_path)
[docs] def to_lilypond(self, wrap_as_file: bool = False, non_score_blocks: Sequence = None, **lilypond_file_args) -> str:
Convert to LilyPond code, via the `abjad` library.
:param wrap_as_file: if True, wraps this as an :class:`abjad.LilypondFile`
:param non_score_blocks: (Only applicable if `wrap_as_file` is set to True). A list of :class:`abjad.Block`
objects (or strings containing the LilyPond code for such a block, which are then parsed by abjad).
Typical blocks might be a \header block, a \layout block, or a \paper block. If no header block is
specified, one will be created with the score's title and composer. If a header is specified, title and
composer will be added if not present.
:param lilypond_file_args: any additional keyword arguments will be passed along to the constructor of
:class:`abjad.LilyPondFile` (assuming wrap_as_file is True). This allows for setting staff size and
various other customizations.
:return: a string containing the LilyPond code
assert abjad() is not None, "Abjad is required for this operation."
return abjad().lilypond(self.to_abjad(wrap_as_file=wrap_as_file, non_score_blocks=non_score_blocks,
[docs] def print_lilypond(self, wrap_as_file: bool = False, non_score_blocks: Sequence = None,
**lilypond_file_args) -> None:
Convert and print LilyPond code, via the `abjad` library.
:param wrap_as_file: if True, wraps this as an :class:`abjad.LilypondFile`
:param non_score_blocks: (Only applicable if `wrap_as_file` is set to True). A list of :class:`abjad.Block`
objects (or strings containing the LilyPond code for such a block, which are then parsed by abjad).
Typical blocks might be a \header block, a \layout block, or a \paper block. If no header block is
specified, one will be created with the score's title and composer. If a header is specified, title and
composer will be added if not present.
:param lilypond_file_args: any additional keyword arguments will be passed along to the constructor of
:class:`abjad.LilyPondFile` (assuming wrap_as_file is True). This allows for setting staff size and
various other customizations.
print(self.to_lilypond(wrap_as_file=wrap_as_file, non_score_blocks=non_score_blocks, **lilypond_file_args))
[docs] def show(self, non_score_blocks: Sequence = None, **lilypond_file_args) -> None:
Using the `abjad.show` command, generates and opens a PDF of the music represented by this component
:param non_score_blocks: a list of :class:`abjad.Block` objects (or strings containing the LilyPond code for
such a block, which are then parsed by abjad); typical blocks might be a \header block, a
\layout block, or a \paper block. If no header block is specified, one will be created with the score's
title and composer. If a header is specified, title and composer will be added if not present.
:param lilypond_file_args: any additional keyword arguments will be passed along to the constructor of
:class:`abjad.LilyPondFile` (assuming wrap_as_file is True). This allows for setting staff size and
various other customizations.
assert abjad() is not None, "Abjad is required for this operation."
abjad().show(self.to_abjad(wrap_as_file=True, non_score_blocks=non_score_blocks, **lilypond_file_args))
[docs]class ScoreContainer(ABC):
Abstract class representing a ScoreComponent that contains other components.
(e.g. A Measure contains Voices)
:param contents: the ScoreComponents contained within this container
:param contents_argument_name: name of the property that fetches the contents. E.g. a score should have "parts",
and a Staff should have "measures". The class should define that property and point it to self._contents.
This is basically just used in __repr__ so that we don't have to implement it separately for each subclass.
:param allowable_child_types: Type or list of types that should be allowed as child components. For instance, a
Score can have Staff and StaffGroup children; a Measure can only have Voices.
:param extra_field_names: again this is basically just used in __repr__ so that we don't have to implement it
separately for each subclass.
def __init__(self, contents: Sequence[ScoreComponent], contents_argument_name: str,
allowable_child_types: Type | tuple[Type, ...], extra_field_names=()):
self._contents = contents if contents is not None else []
self._contents_argument_name = contents_argument_name
self._extra_field_names = extra_field_names
self._allowable_child_types = allowable_child_types
assert isinstance(self._contents, list) and all(isinstance(x, allowable_child_types) for x in self._contents)
def __contains__(self, item):
return item in self._contents
def __delitem__(self, i):
del self._contents[i]
def __getitem__(self, argument):
return self._contents.__getitem__(argument)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._contents)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._contents)
def __setitem__(self, i, item):
assert isinstance(item, self._allowable_child_types), "Incompatible child type"
self._contents[i] = item
[docs] def append(self, item: ScoreComponent) -> None:
Add a child ScoreComponent of the appropriate type
assert isinstance(item, self._allowable_child_types), "Incompatible child type"
[docs] def extend(self, items) -> None:
Add several child ScoreComponents of the appropriate type
assert hasattr(items, "__len__")
assert all(isinstance(item, self._allowable_child_types) for item in items), "Incompatible child type"
[docs] def index(self, item) -> int:
Get the index of the given child ScoreComponent
return self._contents.index(item)
[docs] def insert(self, index, item) -> None:
Insert a child ScoreComponent at the given index.
assert isinstance(item, self._allowable_child_types), "Incompatible child type"
return self._contents.insert(index, item)
[docs] def pop(self, i=-1) -> ScoreComponent:
Pop and return the child ScoreComponent at the given index.
return self._contents.pop(i)
[docs] def remove(self, item) -> None:
Remove the given child ScoreComponent.
return self._contents.remove(item)
def __repr__(self):
extra_args_string = "" if not hasattr(self, "_extra_field_names") \
else ", ".join("{}={}".format(x, repr(self.__dict__[x])) for x in self._extra_field_names)
if len(extra_args_string) > 0:
extra_args_string += ", "
contents_string = "\n" + textwrap.indent(",\n".join(str(x) for x in self._contents), " ") + "\n" \
if len(self._contents) > 0 else ""
return "{}({}{}=[{}])".format(
# User-Facing Classes
[docs]class Score(ScoreComponent, ScoreContainer):
Representation of a score in traditional western notation.
Exportable as either LilyPond or MusicXML.
:param parts: A list of parts represented by either StaffGroup or Staff objects
:param title: title to be used
:param composer: composer to be used
:param tempo_envelope: a TempoEnvelope function describing how the tempo changes over time
:ivar title: title to be used in the score
:ivar composer: composer to be written on the score
:ivar tempo_envelope: a TempoEnvelope function describing how the tempo changes over time
:ivar final_barline: what barline to use at the end of the score. Must be one of: "double", "end", "regular",
"dotted", "dashed", "heavy", "light-light" (same as "double"), "light-heavy" (same as "end"), "heavy-light",
"heavy-heavy", "tick", "short", or "none".
def __init__(self, parts: Sequence[Staff | StaffGroup] = None, title: str = None,
composer: str = None, tempo_envelope: TempoEnvelope = None):
ScoreContainer.__init__(self, parts, "parts", (StaffGroup, Staff), ("title", "composer"))
self.title = title
self.composer = composer
self.tempo_envelope = tempo_envelope
self.final_bar_line = "end"
def parts(self) -> Sequence[Staff | StaffGroup]:
List of parts (StaffGroup or Staff objects).
return self._contents
def staves(self) -> Sequence[Staff]:
List of all staves in this score, expanding out those inside of StaffGroups.
# returns all the staves of all the parts in the score
out = []
for part in self.parts:
if isinstance(part, StaffGroup):
assert isinstance(part, Staff)
return out
[docs] def length(self) -> float:
Length of this score in beats. (i.e. end beat of the last measure in any of the parts)
return max(staff.length() for staff in self.staves)
def _pad_incomplete_parts(self):
Adds measures to parts that end early so that they last the full length of the piece.
staves = self.staves
longest_staff = max(staves, key=lambda staff: len(staff.measures))
longest_staff_length = len(longest_staff.measures)
for staff in self.staves:
while len(staff.measures) < longest_staff_length:
corresponding_measure_in_long_staff = longest_staff.measures[len(staff.measures)]
def _get_tempo_key_points_and_guide_marks(self):
Returns a list of where the key tempo points are and a list of tuples representing the locations of any
guide marks and the tempos that they indicate at those point. The reason for this is that occasionally a
guide mark might be indicating the final tempo of a rit or accel, but be placed a tiny bit before that moment
so as not to conflict with another tempo marking upon arrival.
# the tempo needs to be expressly stated at the beginning, at any change of tempo direction,
# at the start of any stable plateau (i.e. saddle point) and at the end of the tempo envelope if not redundant
key_points = [0.0] + self.tempo_envelope.local_extrema(include_saddle_points=True)
# if the last segment changes tempo, we need to notate its end tempo
if self.tempo_envelope.value_at(key_points[-1]) != self.tempo_envelope.end_level():
# toss out all key points that are beyond the length of the score
score_length = self.length()
key_points = [x for x in key_points if x <= score_length]
# if the score ends in the middle of an accel or rit, add a key point there
if score_length not in key_points:
last_key_point_before_end = max(x for x in key_points if x < score_length)
if self.tempo_envelope.value_at(last_key_point_before_end) != self.tempo_envelope.value_at(score_length):
key_points.insert(key_points.index(last_key_point_before_end) + 1, score_length)
guide_marks = []
if engraving_settings.tempo.include_guide_marks:
for left_key_point, right_key_point in zip(key_points[:-1], key_points[1:]):
last_tempo = self.tempo_envelope.tempo_at(left_key_point)
t = ceil_to_multiple(left_key_point, engraving_settings.tempo.guide_mark_resolution)
while t < floor_to_multiple(right_key_point, engraving_settings.tempo.guide_mark_resolution):
# guide_mark_sensitivity is the proportional change in tempo needed for a guide mark
sensitivity_factor = 1 + engraving_settings.tempo.guide_mark_sensitivity
current_tempo = self.tempo_envelope.tempo_at(t)
if not last_tempo / sensitivity_factor < current_tempo < last_tempo * sensitivity_factor:
guide_marks.append((t, self.tempo_envelope.tempo_at(t)))
last_tempo = current_tempo
t += engraving_settings.tempo.guide_mark_resolution
# no guide marks, but we still need to give a special indication when there is a sudden
# jump in tempo that happens after an accel or a rit. that ends at a different tempo
for last_point, key_point in zip(key_points[:-1], key_points[1:]):
if self.tempo_envelope.tempo_at(key_point) != self.tempo_envelope.tempo_at(key_point, True) \
and self.tempo_envelope.tempo_at(key_point, True) != self.tempo_envelope.tempo_at(last_point):
# if the tempo is different approached from the left and from the right, then this is a
# sudden change of tempo, and if it happens after an accel or rit, we need to indicate where
# that accel or rit ended before jumping tempo.
guide_mark_location = (key_point - min(0.25, (key_point - last_point) / 2))
guide_marks.append((guide_mark_location, self.tempo_envelope.tempo_at(key_point, True)))
return key_points, guide_marks
def _to_abjad(self):
abjad_score = abjad().Score([part._to_abjad() for part in self.parts])
# tempo markings will be attached to the top staff.
# Here we sort out whether or not that staff is part of a staff group or not
top_staff = abjad_score[0][0] if isinstance(abjad_score[0], abjad().StaffGroup) else abjad_score[0]
# go through and add all of the tempo marks to the xml score
key_points, guide_marks = self._get_tempo_key_points_and_guide_marks()
measure_start = 0 # running counter of the beat at the start of the measure
rit_or_accel_spanner_start = None # for storing the starting leaf of a rit or accel spanner
# go through each measure and add the tempo annotations
for abjad_measure, score_measure in zip(top_staff, self.staves[0].measures):
# if there's no more key points or guide marks, we're done
if len(key_points) + len(guide_marks) == 0:
# filter down to the key points and guide marks in this measure
key_point_and_guide_mark_displacements = [
x - measure_start for x in key_points + [x[0] for x in guide_marks]
if 0 <= x - measure_start < score_measure.length
tempo_voice, mark_beats_to_skip_objects = Score._make_skip_voice_and_dict_from_mark_displacements(
score_measure, key_point_and_guide_mark_displacements, measure_start
if len(key_point_and_guide_mark_displacements) == 0:
# there's no tempo stuff to deal with in this measure, but if we're in the middle of a spanner,
# then we need to keep the tempo voice going
if rit_or_accel_spanner_start is not None:
measure_start += score_measure.length
# figure out which kind of note to use as the metronome mark beat in this measure, e.g. dotted quarter in
# compound meter. Basically if all the beats are the same length, and it's a viable note length, we use
# that; otherwise we just use quarters
measure_beat_lengths = score_measure.time_signature.beat_lengths
metronome_mark_beat_length = \
measure_beat_lengths[0] if all(x == measure_beat_lengths[0] for x in measure_beat_lengths) \
and _is_single_note_length(measure_beat_lengths[0]) else 1.0
# loop through the key points until there are none left or there are none left in this measure
while len(key_points) > 0 and key_points[0] - measure_start < score_measure.length:
key_point = key_points.pop(0)
this_point_skip_object = mark_beats_to_skip_objects[key_point]
# if we had started an accel or rit spanner, end it here
if rit_or_accel_spanner_start is not None:
start_text_span, span_start_skip_object, markup_text = rit_or_accel_spanner_start
abjad().text_spanner([span_start_skip_object, this_point_skip_object],
rit_or_accel_spanner_start = None
# figure out the tempo we're at, and the tempo we're going to next
key_point_tempo = self.tempo_envelope.tempo_at(key_point)
next_key_point_tempo = self.tempo_envelope.tempo_at(key_points[0], from_left=True) \
if len(key_points) > 0 else None
# figure out whether accel or rit to the next key point, or if none is needed
change_indicator = None if next_key_point_tempo is None or next_key_point_tempo == key_point_tempo \
else "accel." if next_key_point_tempo > key_point_tempo else "rit."
# add the metronome mark, adjusting the tempo based on the metronome_mark_beat_length
# (note: for some reason abjad insists on either integer tempos or some nonsense involving custom
# tempo markups in order to allow floats)
abjad().Duration(0.25 * metronome_mark_beat_length),
round(key_point_tempo / metronome_mark_beat_length)
# start the accel or rit spanner if needed
if change_indicator is not None:
# to construct it later, we need to the StartTextSpan object and the skip object where it starts
rit_or_accel_spanner_start = abjad().StartTextSpan(
left_broken_text=abjad().Markup(rf'\markup \concat {{ "({change_indicator})" \hspace #0.5 }}'),
), this_point_skip_object, change_indicator
# loop through the guide marks until there are none left or there are none left in this measure
while len(guide_marks) > 0 and guide_marks[0][0] - measure_start < score_measure.length:
guide_mark_location, guide_mark_tempo = guide_marks.pop(0)
this_point_skip_object = mark_beats_to_skip_objects[guide_mark_location]
guide_mark_override = r"""\once \override Score.MetronomeMark.font-size = #-5"""
abjad().Duration(0.25 * metronome_mark_beat_length),
round(guide_mark_tempo / metronome_mark_beat_length),
textual_indication="\"\"" # this results in parentheses
abjad().attach(abjad().LilyPondLiteral(guide_mark_override, site="absolute_before"),
measure_start += score_measure.length
if self.final_bar_line is not None:
abjad().select.leaf(abjad_score, -1),)
return abjad_score
def _make_skip_voice_and_dict_from_mark_displacements(score_measure, displacements, measure_start):
Returns a measure of tempo voice filled with skip objects, and a dictionary pointing the time points of the
various tempo marks to their associated skip objects.
if len(displacements) == 0:
skip_length = 1 / Fraction(score_measure.length / 4).denominator
return abjad().Voice(
[abjad().Skip(0.25 * skip_length)
for _ in range(int(round(score_measure.length / skip_length)))], name="TempoVoice"
), None
# length of the skips in quarter notes
min_skip = 1 / Fraction(score_measure.length).denominator
while max(x % min_skip for x in displacements) > 0.05:
min_skip /= 2
skips = [abjad().Skip(0.25 * min_skip) for _ in range(int(round(score_measure.length / min_skip)))]
# maps the beat of any of the key points and guide marks we will run into to the skip object
# that most nearly approximates its position
mark_beats_to_skip_objects = {x + measure_start: skips[int(x / min_skip)] for x in displacements}
def combine_skips_as_possible(chunk, combination_size):
# chunk is a list of skip objects of the same size, and combination size is the size we want to try to
# merge them together into (in whole notes, using the abjad duration standard)
if len(chunk) == 1:
return chunk
out = []
skips_per_sub_chunk = int(round(combination_size / (0.25 * min_skip)))
for sub_chunk in (chunk[i: i + skips_per_sub_chunk] for i in range(0, len(chunk), skips_per_sub_chunk)):
if not any(x in mark_beats_to_skip_objects.values() for x in sub_chunk[1:]):
# we can combine the skips so long as none except the first are locations where tempo marks occur
combined_skip = abjad().Skip(combination_size)
# if a tempo mark occurs at the first skip in the chunk, we can still combine it, but we have to be
# careful to remap the mark_beats_to_skip_objects dictionary to point to the new combined skip
for x in mark_beats_to_skip_objects:
if mark_beats_to_skip_objects[x] == sub_chunk[0]:
mark_beats_to_skip_objects[x] = combined_skip
out.extend(combine_skips_as_possible(sub_chunk, combination_size / 2))
return out
# 1 / Fraction(score_measure.length / 4).denominator gives the length (in whole notes, following the abjad
# duration standard) of the largest un-dotted note that divides the measure. This starts by trying to chunk
# the skips into those, then tries smaller and smaller chunks as needed
skips = combine_skips_as_possible(skips, 1 / Fraction(score_measure.length / 4).denominator)
# add a tempo voice filled with skip objects to attach tempo markings to
tempo_voice = abjad().Voice(skips, name="TempoVoice")
return tempo_voice, mark_beats_to_skip_objects
[docs] def to_music_xml(self) -> pymusicxml.Score:
xml_score = pymusicxml.Score([part.to_music_xml() for part in self. parts], self.title, self.composer)
if self.final_bar_line is not None:
for staff in xml_score.parts:
staff.measures[-1].barline = self.final_bar_line
# go through and add all of the tempo marks to the xml score
key_points, guide_marks = self._get_tempo_key_points_and_guide_marks()
measure_start = 0 # running counter of the beat at the start of the measure
# go through each measure and add the tempo annotations
for xml_measure, score_measure in zip(xml_score.parts[0].measures, self.staves[0].measures):
# if there's no more key points or guide marks, we're done
if len(key_points) + len(guide_marks) == 0:
# list of annotations we're adding to this measure
this_measure_annotations = []
# figure out which kind of note to use as the metronome mark beat in this measure, e.g. dotted quarter in
# compound meter. Basically if all the beats are the same length, and it's a viable note length, we use
# that; otherwise we just use quarters
measure_beat_lengths = score_measure.time_signature.beat_lengths
metronome_mark_beat_length = \
measure_beat_lengths[0] if all(x == measure_beat_lengths[0] for x in measure_beat_lengths) \
and _is_single_note_length(measure_beat_lengths[0]) else 1.0
# loop through the key points until there are none left or there are none left in this measure
while len(key_points) > 0 and key_points[0] - measure_start < score_measure.length:
key_point = key_points.pop(0)
key_point_tempo = self.tempo_envelope.tempo_at(key_point)
next_key_point_tempo = self.tempo_envelope.tempo_at(key_points[0], from_left=True) \
if len(key_points) > 0 else None
# figure out whether accel or rit to the next key point, or if none is needed
change_indicator = None if next_key_point_tempo is None or next_key_point_tempo == key_point_tempo \
else "accel." if next_key_point_tempo > key_point_tempo else "rit."
# add the metronome mark, adjusting the tempo based on the metronome_mark_beat_length
round(key_point_tempo / metronome_mark_beat_length, 1)),
key_point - measure_start)
# add the accel or rit if needed
if change_indicator is not None:
this_measure_annotations.append((pymusicxml.TextAnnotation(change_indicator, italic=True),
key_point - measure_start))
# loop through the guide marks until there are none left or there are none left in this measure
while len(guide_marks) > 0 and guide_marks[0][0] - measure_start < score_measure.length:
guide_mark_location, guide_mark_tempo = guide_marks.pop(0)
# add the guide mark
round(guide_mark_tempo / metronome_mark_beat_length, 1),
parentheses="yes", font_size="5"),
guide_mark_location - measure_start)
# sort and add all the annotations to the pymusicxml.Measure object
this_measure_annotations.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
xml_measure.directions_with_displacements = this_measure_annotations
measure_start += score_measure.length
return xml_score
# Override the signatures of these three methods for the Score class, so they wrap as file by default
[docs] def to_abjad(self, wrap_as_file: bool = True, non_score_blocks: Sequence = None,
**lilypond_file_args) -> 'abjad().Component':
return ScoreComponent.to_abjad(self, wrap_as_file=wrap_as_file, non_score_blocks=non_score_blocks,
[docs] def to_lilypond(self, wrap_as_file: bool = True, non_score_blocks: Sequence = None, **lilypond_file_args) -> str:
return ScoreComponent.to_lilypond(self, wrap_as_file=wrap_as_file, non_score_blocks=non_score_blocks,
[docs] def print_lilypond(self, wrap_as_file: bool = True, non_score_blocks: Sequence = None,
**lilypond_file_args) -> None:
ScoreComponent.print_lilypond(self, wrap_as_file=wrap_as_file, non_score_blocks=non_score_blocks,
# used in arranging voices in a part
_NumberedVoiceFragment = namedtuple("_NumberedVoiceFragment", "voice_num start_measure_num measures_with_quantizations")
_NamedVoiceFragment = namedtuple("_NamedVoiceFragment", "average_pitch start_measure_num measures_with_quantizations")
[docs]class StaffGroup(ScoreComponent, ScoreContainer):
Representation of a StaffGroup (used for the multiple staves of a single instrument)
:param staves: a list of Staff objects in this group
:param name: the name of the staff group on the score
def __init__(self, staves: Sequence[Staff], name: str = None,
clef_choices: Sequence[str | tuple[str, Real]] = None):
ScoreContainer.__init__(self, staves, "staves", Staff)
self._name = name
self.clef_choices = engraving_settings.clefs_by_instrument["default"] if clef_choices is None else clef_choices
def name(self) -> str:
Name of the staff group on the score.
return self._name
def name(self, value):
self._name = value
for i, staff in enumerate(self.staves):
staff.name = value if i == 0 else "{} ({})".format(value, i + 1)
def staves(self):
List of staves in this score.
return self._contents
def _construct_voice_fragment(voice_name, notes, start_measure_num, measure_quantizations):
average_pitch = sum(note.average_pitch() for note in notes) / len(notes)
# split the notes into measures, breaking notes that span a barline in two
# save each to measures_with_quantizations, in a tuple along with the corresponding quantization
measures_with_quantizations = []
for measure_quantization in measure_quantizations:
measure_end_beat = measure_quantization.start_beat + measure_quantization.measure_length
this_measure_notes = []
remaining_notes = []
for note in notes:
# check if the note starts in the measure
if measure_quantization.start_beat <= note.start_beat < measure_end_beat:
# check if it straddles the following barline
if note.end_beat > measure_end_beat:
first_half, second_half = note.split_at_beat(measure_end_beat)
# note is fully within the measure
# if it happens in a later measure, save it for later
notes = remaining_notes
measures_with_quantizations.append((this_measure_notes, measure_quantization))
# then decide based on the name of the voice whether it is from a numbered voice, which gets treated differently
# numbered voice
voice_num = int(voice_name)
return _NumberedVoiceFragment(voice_num - 1, start_measure_num, measures_with_quantizations)
except ValueError:
# not a numbered voice, so we want to order voices mostly by pitch
return _NamedVoiceFragment(average_pitch, start_measure_num, measures_with_quantizations)
def _separate_voices_into_fragments(quantized_performance_part):
Splits the part's voices into fragments where divisions occur whenever there is a measure break at a rest.
If there's a measure break but not a rest, we're probably in the middle of a melodic gesture, so don't want to
separate. If there's a rest but not a measure break then we should also probably keep the notes together in a
single voice, since they were specified to be in the same voice.
:param quantized_performance_part: a quantized PerformancePart
:return: a tuple of (numbered_fragments, named_fragments), where the numbered_fragments come from numbered voices
and are of the form (voice_num, notes_list, start_measure_num, end_measure_num, measure_quantization_schemes),
while the named_fragments are of the form (notes_list, start_measure_num, end_measure_num,
fragments = []
for voice_name, note_list in quantized_performance_part.voices.items():
# first we make an enumeration iterator for the measures
if len(note_list) == 0:
note_list = deepcopy(note_list)
quantization_record = quantized_performance_part.voice_quantization_records[voice_name]
assert isinstance(quantization_record, QuantizationRecord)
measure_quantization_iterator = enumerate(quantization_record.quantized_measures)
# the idea is that we build a current_fragment up until we encounter a rest at a barline
# when that happens, we save the old fragment and start a new one
current_fragment = []
fragment_measure_quantizations = []
current_measure_num, current_measure = next(measure_quantization_iterator)
fragment_start_measure = 0
for performance_note in note_list:
# update so that current_measure is the measure that performance_note starts in
while performance_note.start_beat >= current_measure.start_beat + current_measure.measure_length:
# we're past the old measure, so increment to next measure
current_measure_num, current_measure = next(measure_quantization_iterator)
# if this measure break coincides with a rest, then we start a new fragment
if len(current_fragment) > 0 and current_fragment[-1].end_beat < performance_note.start_beat:
voice_name, current_fragment, fragment_start_measure, fragment_measure_quantizations
# reset all the fragment-building variables
current_fragment = []
fragment_measure_quantizations = []
fragment_start_measure = current_measure_num
elif len(current_fragment) == 0:
# don't mark the start measure until we actually have a note!
fragment_start_measure = current_measure_num
# add the new note to the current fragment
# make sure that fragment_measure_quantizations has a copy of the measure this note starts in
if len(fragment_measure_quantizations) == 0 or fragment_measure_quantizations[-1] != current_measure:
# now we move forward to the end of the note, and update the measure we're on
# (Note the > rather than a >= sign. For the end of the note, it has to actually cross the barline.)
while performance_note.end_beat > current_measure.start_beat + current_measure.measure_length:
current_measure_num, current_measure = next(measure_quantization_iterator)
# when we cross into a new measure, add it to the measure quantizations
# once we're done going through the voice, save the last fragment and move on
if len(current_fragment) > 0:
voice_name, current_fragment, fragment_start_measure, fragment_measure_quantizations)
return fragments
def _create_measure_voice_grid(fragments, num_measures):
numbered_fragments = []
named_fragments = []
while len(fragments) > 0:
fragment = fragments.pop()
if isinstance(fragment, _NumberedVoiceFragment):
measure_grid = [[] for _ in range(num_measures)]
def is_cell_free(which_measure, which_voice):
return len(measure_grid[which_measure]) <= which_voice or measure_grid[which_measure][which_voice] is None
# sort by measure number (i.e. fragment[2]) then by voice number (i.e. fragment[0])
numbered_fragments.sort(key=lambda frag: (frag.start_measure_num, frag.voice_num))
# sort by measure number, then by highest to lowest pitch, then by longest to shortest fragment
named_fragments.sort(key=lambda frag: (frag.start_measure_num, -frag.average_pitch,
for fragment in numbered_fragments:
assert isinstance(fragment, _NumberedVoiceFragment)
measure_num = fragment.start_measure_num
for measure_with_quantization in fragment.measures_with_quantizations:
while len(measure_grid[measure_num]) <= fragment.voice_num:
measure_grid[measure_num][fragment.voice_num] = measure_with_quantization
measure_num += 1
for fragment in named_fragments:
assert isinstance(fragment, _NamedVoiceFragment)
measure_range = range(fragment.start_measure_num,
fragment.start_measure_num + len(fragment.measures_with_quantizations))
voice_num = 0
while not all(is_cell_free(measure_num, voice_num) for measure_num in measure_range):
voice_num += 1
measure_num = fragment.start_measure_num
for measure_with_quantization in fragment.measures_with_quantizations:
while len(measure_grid[measure_num]) <= voice_num:
measure_grid[measure_num][voice_num] = measure_with_quantization
measure_num += 1
return measure_grid
def _from_measure_voice_grid(cls, measure_bins, quantization_record: QuantizationRecord, name: str = None,
clef_choices: Sequence[str | tuple[str, Real]] = None):
Creates a StaffGroup with Staves that accommodate engraving_settings.max_voices_per_part voices each
:param measure_bins: a list of voice lists (can be many voices each)
:param quantization_record: a QuantizationRecord
:param name: name for the staff group; the staves will get named, e.g. "piano [1]", "piano [2]", etc.
num_staffs_required = 1 if len(measure_bins) == 0 else \
int(max(math.ceil(len(x) / engraving_settings.max_voices_per_part) for x in measure_bins))
# create a bunch of dummy bins for the different measures of each staff
# measures -> staffs -v
# [ [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None],
# [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None] ]
staves = [[None] * len(measure_bins) for _ in range(num_staffs_required)]
for measure_num, measure_voices in enumerate(measure_bins):
# this breaks up the measure's voices into groups of length max_voices_per_part
# (the last group might have fewer)
voice_groups = [measure_voices[i:i + engraving_settings.max_voices_per_part]
for i in range(0, len(measure_voices), engraving_settings.max_voices_per_part)]
for staff_num in range(len(staves)):
# for each staff, check if this measure has enough voices to even reach that staff
if staff_num < len(voice_groups):
# if so, let's take a look at our voices for this measure
this_voice_group = voice_groups[staff_num]
if all(x is None for x in this_voice_group):
# if all the voices are empty, this staff is empty for this measure. Put None to indicate that
staves[staff_num][measure_num] = None
# otherwise, there's something there, so put tne voice group in the slot
staves[staff_num][measure_num] = this_voice_group
# if not, put None there to indicate an empty measure
staves[staff_num][measure_num] = None
# At this point, each entry in the staves / measures matrix is either
# (1) None, indicating an empty measure
# (2) a list of voices, each of which is either:
# - a list of PerformanceNotes or
# - None, in the case of an empty voice
if all(len(x) == 0 for x in staves):
# empty staff group; none of its staves have any contents
return cls([Staff([])])
return cls(
staff, quantization_record.time_signatures,
name=name + " ({})".format(str(i + 1)) if len(staves) > 1 else name
for i, staff in enumerate(staves)
], name=name, clef_choices=clef_choices
def _set_clefs(self):
if engraving_settings.clef_selection_policy == "part-wise":
average_pitch = 0
num_notes = 0
for staff in self.staves:
for measure in staff.measures:
for voice in measure:
for note in voice.iterate_notes(include_rests=False):
average_pitch += note.average_pitch()
num_notes += 1
if num_notes > 0:
average_pitch /= num_notes
clef_choice = _get_clef_from_average_pitch_and_clef_choices(average_pitch, self.clef_choices)
for staff in self.staves:
staff.measures[0].clef = clef_choice
assert engraving_settings.clef_selection_policy == "measure-wise"
for staff in self.staves:
last_clef_used = None
for i, measure in enumerate(staff.measures):
this_measure_clef = measure.get_appropriate_clef(self.clef_choices)
if this_measure_clef is not None:
# there are some pitches in this measure from which to choose a clef
if last_clef_used is None:
# if we haven't yet encountered a measure with any pitches in it, set the clef for
# the first measure to the this clef, which is the best clef once we start getting pitches
last_clef_used = staff.measures[0].clef = this_measure_clef
elif this_measure_clef != last_clef_used:
# otherwise we simply check if this clef is new information. If it's different from the
# clef in the last measure, then we set this measure to explicitly change it
last_clef_used = measure.clef = this_measure_clef
def _to_abjad(self):
return abjad().StaffGroup([staff._to_abjad() for staff in self.staves])
[docs] def to_music_xml(self) -> pymusicxml.PartGroup:
return pymusicxml.PartGroup([staff.to_music_xml() for staff in self.staves])
[docs]class Staff(ScoreComponent, ScoreContainer):
Representation of a single staff of a western-notated score
:param measures: Chronological list of Measure objects contained in this staff
:param name: Name of this staff in the score
def __init__(self, measures: Sequence[Measure], name: str = None):
ScoreContainer.__init__(self, measures, "measures", Measure)
self.name = name
def measures(self) -> Sequence[Measure]:
"""Chronological list of Measure objects contained in this staff"""
return self._contents
[docs] def length(self) -> float:
Length of this Staff in beats. (i.e. end beat of its last measure)
return sum(m.length for m in self.measures[:-1]) + self.measures[-1].non_empty_length()
def _from_measure_bins_of_voice_lists(cls, measure_bins, time_signatures: Sequence[TimeSignature],
name: str = None) -> Staff:
Constructs a Staff from a specially formatted list of measures
:param measure_bins: Expects a list of measure bins each of which is either:
(1) None, indicating an empty measure
(2) a list of voices, each of which is either:
- a list of PerformanceNotes or
- None, in the case of an empty voice
This format is constructed inside of StaffGroup._from_measure_voice_grid
:param time_signatures: list of TimeSignature objects for each measure
# Expects a list of measure bins formatted as outputted by StaffGroup._from_measure_bins_of_voice_lists
# (1) None, indicating an empty measure
# (2) a list of voices, each of which is either:
# - a list of PerformanceNotes or
# - None, in the case of an empty voice
time_signature_changes = [True] + [time_signatures[i - 1] != time_signatures[i]
for i in range(1, len(time_signatures))]
return cls([Measure.from_list_of_performance_voices(measure_content, time_signature, show_time_signature)
if measure_content is not None else Measure.empty_measure(time_signature, show_time_signature)
for measure_content, time_signature, show_time_signature in zip(measure_bins, time_signatures,
time_signature_changes)], name=name)
def _to_abjad(self):
# from the point of view of the source_id_dict (which helps us connect tied notes), the staff is
# always going to be the top level call. There's no need to propagate the source_id_dict any further upward
source_id_dict = {}
contents = [measure._to_abjad(source_id_dict) for measure in self.measures]
for same_source_group in source_id_dict.values():
abjad_staff = abjad().Staff(contents, name=self.name)
abjad().setting(abjad_staff).instrument_name = '#"{}"'.format(self.name)
return abjad_staff
[docs] def to_music_xml(self) -> pymusicxml.Part:
source_id_dict = {}
measures = [measure.to_music_xml(source_id_dict) for measure in self.measures]
for same_source_group in source_id_dict.values():
return pymusicxml.Part(self.name, measures)
_voice_names = [r'voiceOne', r'voiceTwo', r'voiceThree', r'voiceFour']
[docs]class Measure(ScoreComponent, ScoreContainer):
Representation of a single measure within in a Staff
:param voices: list of voices in this measure, in numbered order
:param time_signature: the time signature for this measure
:param show_time_signature: whether or not to show the time signature. By default, when scamp is turning a
quantized Performance into a Score, this will be set to true when the time signature changes and False
:param clef: Which clef to use for the measure. If none, clef is left unspecified.
:ivar time_signature: the time signature for this measure
:ivar show_time_signature: Whether or not to display the time signature
:ivar clef: Which clef to use for the measure. If none, clef is left unspecified.
def __init__(self, voices: Sequence[Voice], time_signature: TimeSignature, show_time_signature: bool = True,
clef: str | None = None):
ScoreContainer.__init__(self, voices, "voices", (Voice, type(None)), ("time_signature", "show_time_signature"))
self.time_signature = time_signature
self.show_time_signature = show_time_signature
if clef is not None and clef not in engraving_settings.clef_pitch_centers:
raise ValueError("Clef \"{}\" was not understood.".format(clef))
self.clef = clef
def voices(self) -> Sequence[Voice]:
"""List of Voices within this measure, in numbered order"""
return self._contents
def length(self) -> float:
"""Length of this measure in quarter notes"""
return self.time_signature.measure_length()
[docs] def non_empty_length(self) -> float:
Length of the part of this measure that has something in it. (i.e. the length not counting trailing rests that
aren't part of a tuplet)
return max(v.non_empty_length() for v in self.voices if v is not None)
[docs] @classmethod
def empty_measure(cls, time_signature: TimeSignature, show_time_signature: bool = True) -> Measure:
Constructs an empty measure (one voice with a bar rest)
:param time_signature: the time signature for this measure
:param show_time_signature: Whether or not to display the time signature
return cls([Voice.empty_voice(time_signature)], time_signature, show_time_signature=show_time_signature)
[docs] def get_appropriate_clef(self, clef_choices: Sequence[str | tuple[str, Real]]):
# find the average pitch of this measure
average_pitch = 0
num_notes = 0
for voice in self.voices:
if voice is None:
for note in voice.iterate_notes(include_rests=False):
average_pitch += note.average_pitch()
num_notes += 1
if num_notes == 0:
# return none if there's no pitches to speak of
return None
average_pitch /= num_notes
return _get_clef_from_average_pitch_and_clef_choices(average_pitch, clef_choices)
def _to_abjad(self, source_id_dict=None):
is_top_level_call = True if source_id_dict is None else False
source_id_dict = {} if source_id_dict is None else source_id_dict
abjad_measure = abjad().Container()
for i, voice in enumerate(self.voices):
if voice is None:
abjad_voice = self.voices[i]._to_abjad(source_id_dict)
if i == 0 and self.show_time_signature:
# TODO: this seems to break in abjad when the measure starts with a tuplet, so for now, a klugey fix
# abjad().attach(self.time_signature.to_abjad(), abjad_voice[0])
abjad().attach(abjad().LilyPondLiteral(r"\time {}".format(self.time_signature.as_string()),
if len(self.voices) > 1:
abjad().attach(abjad().VoiceNumber(n=i+1), abjad_voice[0])
abjad_voice.name = _voice_names[i]
abjad_measure.simultaneous = True
if is_top_level_call:
for same_source_group in source_id_dict.values():
if self.clef is not None:
# attach the clef to the first note of the first voice
abjad().attach(abjad().Clef(self.clef), abjad().select.leaf(abjad_measure, 0))
return abjad_measure
[docs] def to_music_xml(self, source_id_dict=None) -> pymusicxml.Measure:
is_top_level_call = True if source_id_dict is None else False
source_id_dict = {} if source_id_dict is None else source_id_dict
xml_voices = [voice.to_music_xml(source_id_dict) if voice is not None else None
for voice in self.voices]
time_signature = (self.time_signature.numerator, self.time_signature.denominator) \
if self.show_time_signature else None
if is_top_level_call:
for same_source_group in source_id_dict.values():
return pymusicxml.Measure(xml_voices, time_signature=time_signature, clef=self.clef)
[docs]class Voice(ScoreComponent, ScoreContainer):
Representation of a single voice within a single measure of a single staff of music.
:param contents: list of Tuplet or NoteLike objects in this voice
:param time_signature: the time signature of the measure to which this voice belongs
:ivar time_signature: the time signature of the measure to which this voice belongs
def __init__(self, contents: Sequence[Tuplet | NoteLike], time_signature: TimeSignature):
ScoreContainer.__init__(self, contents, "contents", (Tuplet, NoteLike), ("time_signature", ))
self.time_signature = time_signature
def contents(self) -> Sequence[Tuplet | NoteLike]:
"""list of Tuplet or NoteLike objects in this voice"""
return self._contents
[docs] def iterate_notes(self, include_rests: bool = False) -> Iterator[NoteLike]:
Iterate through the notes (and possibly rests) within this Voice
:param include_rests: Whether or not to include rests
for note_or_tuplet in self.contents:
if isinstance(note_or_tuplet, NoteLike):
if include_rests or not note_or_tuplet.is_rest():
yield note_or_tuplet
for note in note_or_tuplet.contents:
if include_rests or not note.is_rest():
yield note
[docs] def non_empty_length(self) -> float:
Length of the part of this voice that has something in it. (i.e. the length not counting trailing rests that
aren't part of a tuplet)
non_empty_length = self.time_signature.measure_length()
for note_or_tuplet in reversed(self.contents):
if isinstance(note_or_tuplet, NoteLike) and note_or_tuplet.is_rest():
non_empty_length -= note_or_tuplet.written_length
return non_empty_length
[docs] @classmethod
def empty_voice(cls, time_signature: TimeSignature) -> Voice:
Constructs an empty voice containing simply a bar rest.
:param time_signature: the time signature of the measure to which this voice belongs
return cls(None, time_signature)
def _fill_in_rests(notes, total_length):
notes_and_rests = []
t = 0
for note in notes:
if t + 1e-10 < note.start_beat:
notes_and_rests.append(performance_module.PerformanceNote(t, note.start_beat - t, None, None, {}))
t = note.end_beat
if t < total_length:
notes_and_rests.append(performance_module.PerformanceNote(t, total_length - t, None, None, {}))
return notes_and_rests
def _split_notes_at_beats(notes, beats):
for beat in beats:
split_notes = []
for note in notes:
notes = split_notes
return notes
def _process_and_convert_beat(beat_notes, beat_quantization):
beat_start = beat_notes[0].start_beat
# this covers the case in which a single voice was quantized, some notes overlapped so it had to be split in
# two, and the two voices were forced to share the same divisor. If this is one of those voices and it ended up
# empty for this beat, or with a note that spanned the whole beat, divisor should just be None
if all(note.pitch is None for note in beat_notes) or len(beat_notes) == 1:
divisor = None
divisor = beat_quantization.divisor
if divisor is None:
# if there's no beat divisor, then it should just be a note or rest of the full length of the beat
assert len(beat_notes) == 1
pitch, volume, length, properties = beat_notes[0].pitch, beat_notes[0].volume, \
beat_notes[0].length, beat_notes[0].properties
if _is_single_note_length(length):
return [NoteLike(pitch, volume, length, properties)]
constituent_lengths = _length_to_undotted_constituents(length)
return [NoteLike(pitch, volume, l, properties) for l in constituent_lengths]
# otherwise, if the divisor requires a tuplet, we construct it
tuplet = Tuplet.from_length_and_divisor(beat_quantization.length, divisor) if divisor is not None else None
# this line comes into play if we're dividing a 1.5 beat into 8 or something like that
# instead of dividing by 8, which gives us 3/16, we want to divide by 24 to get 1/16
divisor *= Fraction(beat_quantization.length / divisor).limit_denominator().numerator
dilation_factor = 1 if tuplet is None else tuplet.dilation_factor()
written_division_length = beat_quantization.length / divisor * dilation_factor
# these versions go from small to big prime factors and vice-versa
# so for one 6 is 3x2, for the other it's 2x3. We try both options in case one fits better
beat_division_hierarchy = _get_beat_division_hierarchy(beat_quantization.length, divisor)
beat_division_hierarchy2 = _get_beat_division_hierarchy(beat_quantization.length, divisor, False)
# if they're identical (e.g. if there's only one type of prime anyway) we only need to care about one version
if beat_division_hierarchy == beat_division_hierarchy2:
beat_division_hierarchy2 = None
# makes triplets get treated as worse than duplets
if beat_division_hierarchy2 is not None:
note_list = tuplet.contents if tuplet is not None else []
note_division_points_list = []
if beat_division_hierarchy2 is not None:
note_division_points_list2 = []
hierarchy1_badness = 0
hierarchy2_badness = 0
for note in beat_notes:
start_division = int(round((note.start_beat - beat_start) / beat_quantization.length * divisor))
length_in_divisions = int(round(note.length_sum() / beat_quantization.length * divisor))
end_division = start_division + length_in_divisions
division_points1, score1 = Voice._get_division_points_for_note(
start_division, end_division, beat_division_hierarchy, is_rest=note.pitch is None
if beat_division_hierarchy2 is not None:
division_points2, score2 = Voice._get_division_points_for_note(
start_division, end_division, beat_division_hierarchy2, is_rest=note.pitch is None
hierarchy1_badness += score1
hierarchy2_badness += score2
if beat_division_hierarchy2 is not None and hierarchy2_badness < hierarchy1_badness:
note_division_points_list = note_division_points_list2
for note, division_points in zip(beat_notes, note_division_points_list):
written_length_components = [
(div_point - last_div_point) * written_division_length
for last_div_point, div_point in zip(division_points[:-1], division_points[1:])
note_parts = []
remainder = note
for segment_length in written_length_components:
split_note = remainder.split_at_beat(remainder.start_beat + segment_length / dilation_factor)
if len(split_note) > 1:
this_segment, remainder = split_note
this_segment = split_note[0]
note_parts.append(NoteLike(this_segment.pitch, this_segment.volume,
segment_length, this_segment.properties))
return [tuplet] if tuplet is not None else note_list
def _get_division_points_for_note(start_division, end_division, beat_division_hierarchy, is_rest=False):
beat_division_grids = _get_beat_division_grids(beat_division_hierarchy)[1:]
current_division = start_division
division_points = [current_division]
go_again = True
while go_again:
go_again = False
# starting with the widest grid, going down to the narrowest
for beat_division_grid in beat_division_grids:
# go through all the division points in this grid, and see if we can make it to them directly
for division_point in beat_division_grid + [len(beat_division_hierarchy)]:
# if the division point is past where we are and not beyond the end of the note
# and if we can get there in a single note
if current_division < division_point <= end_division \
and _is_single_note_viable_grouping(division_point - current_division,
current_division = division_point
if division_point != end_division:
go_again = True
if current_division < end_division:
for x in _length_to_undotted_constituents(end_division - current_division):
division_points.append(int(round(x)) + division_points[-1])
division_points, score = _get_best_recombination_given_beat_hierarchy(
division_points, beat_division_hierarchy, is_rest=is_rest
return division_points, score
def _recombine_processed_beats(processed_beats, measure_quantization):
Recombine any full-beat notes that come from the same original source id where possible. E.g. make two full
quarter-note beats into a half note, etc.
:param processed_beats: list of beat bins (lists) of NoteLike objects
:return: processed list of NoteLike objects
duple_subdivision, measure_beat_depths = measure_quantization.beat_depths
measure_beat_depths = _worsen_hierarchy_tuples(measure_beat_depths, 2, in_place=False)
combinable_groups = []
current_group = []
def hit_a_stopper():
# ran into a note that can't combine with previous notes, so any current combinable group is ended
nonlocal current_group, combinable_groups
if len(current_group) > 1:
current_group = []
elif len(current_group) == 1:
current_group = []
t = 0
for beat in processed_beats:
if isinstance(beat[0], Tuplet):
# we're only looking for non-tuplet combinations here, so a tuplet is a stopper
# it also doesn't start a new group
t += beat[0].length()
for note in beat:
# to be combinable, first the note has to not be a gliss and be a duple denominator
if is_x_pow_of_y(note.written_length.denominator, 2) and not note.does_glissando():
if note.properties.manual_split_point:
# these are tied segments points generated by explicitly segmented lengths. Glissandi also
# segment lengths into tuples in PerformanceNote._divide_length_at_gliss_control_points
is_combinable = False
elif len(current_group) == 0:
# if it's starting a group it has to be a rest or part of a single-source group
is_combinable = note.is_rest() or note.source_id() is not None
elif current_group[-1].is_rest():
# if it's joining a rest group, it must be a rest
is_combinable = note.is_rest()
# if it's joining a note group, it must have the same id
is_combinable = current_group[-1].source_id() == note.source_id()
is_combinable = False
if is_combinable:
note.properties.temp["beat_index"] = int(round(t / duple_subdivision))
# even though this note can't combine with previous, it could be part of a new group
if is_x_pow_of_y(note.written_length.denominator, 2) and not note.does_glissando() \
and (note.is_rest() or note.source_id() is not None):
note.properties.temp["beat_index"] = int(round(t / duple_subdivision))
# ... or not
t += note.written_length
# the end of the measure is also a stopper
processed_contents = []
for group in combinable_groups:
if isinstance(group, list):
note_division_points = [x.properties.temp["beat_index"] for x in group]
note_division_points.append(note_division_points[-1] +
int(round(group[-1].written_length / duple_subdivision)))
recombined_division_points = Voice._try_all_sub_recombinations(
note_division_points, measure_beat_depths, group[0].is_rest()
merged_group = [group[0]]
for note, division_point in zip(group[1:], note_division_points[1:-1]):
if division_point in recombined_division_points:
return processed_contents
def _try_all_sub_recombinations(note_division_points, measure_beat_depths, is_rest=False):
note_division_points = tuple(note_division_points) \
if not isinstance(note_division_points, tuple) else note_division_points
if len(note_division_points) < 3:
return note_division_points
recombo, _ = _get_best_recombination_given_beat_hierarchy(
note_division_points, measure_beat_depths, is_rest=is_rest
if len(recombo) <= 3:
return recombo
recombo_size = len(recombo) - 1
i = 0
while i + recombo_size <= len(recombo):
sub_recombo_attempt = recombo[:i] + Voice._try_all_sub_recombinations(
recombo[i: i + recombo_size], measure_beat_depths, is_rest=is_rest
) + recombo[i + recombo_size:]
if recombo == sub_recombo_attempt:
i += 1
recombo = sub_recombo_attempt
return recombo
def _is_simple_mergeable_beat(beat_bin):
# when recombining beats into longer notes, this tests for a beat simple enough to merge
return len(beat_bin) == 1 and not isinstance(beat_bin[0], Tuplet) and not beat_bin[0].does_glissando() \
and (beat_bin[0].is_rest() or beat_bin[0].source_id() is not None)
def _to_abjad(self, source_id_dict=None):
if len(self.contents) == 0: # empty voice
return abjad().Voice([abjad().MultimeasureRest(
(self.time_signature.numerator, self.time_signature.denominator)
except abjad().exceptions.AssignabilityError:
return abjad().Voice("R1 * {}/{}".format(self.time_signature.numerator,
is_top_level_call = True if source_id_dict is None else False
source_id_dict = {} if source_id_dict is None else source_id_dict
abjad_components = [x._to_abjad(source_id_dict) for x in self.contents]
if is_top_level_call:
for same_source_group in source_id_dict.values():
return abjad().Voice(abjad_components)
[docs] def to_music_xml(self, source_id_dict=None) -> Sequence[pymusicxml.BeamedGroup | _XMLNote]:
if len(self.contents) == 0:
return [pymusicxml.BarRest(self.time_signature.numerator / self.time_signature.denominator * 4)]
is_top_level_call = True if source_id_dict is None else False
source_id_dict = {} if source_id_dict is None else source_id_dict
t = next_beat_start = 0
contents = list(self.contents)
out = []
for beat_length in self.time_signature.beat_lengths:
next_beat_start += beat_length
beat_group = []
while len(contents) > 0 and t < next_beat_start:
this_item = contents.pop(0)
if isinstance(this_item, NoteLike):
t += this_item.written_length
assert isinstance(this_item, Tuplet)
if len(beat_group) > 0:
beat_group = []
t += this_item.length()
if len(beat_group) > 0:
assert len(contents) == 0 # we should have gone through everything at this point
if is_top_level_call:
for same_source_group in source_id_dict.values():
return out
[docs]class Tuplet(ScoreComponent, ScoreContainer):
Representation of a Tuplet object within a single voice of music.
Reads as: tuplet_divisions in the space of normal_divisions of division_length
e.g. 7, 4, and 0.25 would mean '7 in the space of 4 sixteenth notes'
:param tuplet_divisions: The new number that the tuplet is divided into
:param normal_divisions: the normal number of divisions of division_length that would fill the time
:param division_length: length in quarter notes of the tuplet note type
:param contents: List of NoteLike objects (notes and rests) contained in this tuplet
:ivar tuplet_divisions: The new number that the tuplet is divided into
:ivar normal_divisions: the normal number of divisions of division_length that would fill the time
:ivar division_length: length in quarter notes of the tuplet note type
def __init__(self, tuplet_divisions: int, normal_divisions: int, division_length: float,
contents: Sequence[NoteLike] = None):
ScoreContainer.__init__(self, contents, "contents", NoteLike,
("tuplet_divisions", "normal_divisions", "division_length"))
self.tuplet_divisions = tuplet_divisions
self.normal_divisions = normal_divisions
self.division_length = division_length
[docs] @classmethod
def from_length_and_divisor(cls, length: float, divisor: int) -> Tuplet | None:
Constructs and returns the appropriate tuplet from the length and the divisor. Returns None if no tuplet needed.
:param length: length of the beat in quarters
:param divisor: divisor for the beat
:return: a Tuplet, or None
beat_length_fraction = Fraction(length).limit_denominator()
# 1.5 / 2 can be represented as two dotted 8ths or as a duple tuplet of 8ths.
# if we don't want duple tuplets in compound time (i.e. beat lengths of 1.5, etc.),
# then whenever the length of the beat division is duple, we don't use a tuplet.
if not engraving_settings.allow_duple_tuplets_in_compound_time and \
is_x_pow_of_y((beat_length_fraction / divisor).denominator, 2):
return None
# We have to figure out the ratio of tuplet divisions to normal divisions and the note type associated with
# the normal divisions. E.g. consider a beat length of 1.5 and a tuplet of 11: normal_divisions gets set
# initially to 3 and normal type gets set to 8, since it's 3 eighth notes long
normal_divisions = beat_length_fraction.numerator
# (if denominator is 1, normal type is quarter note, 2 -> eighth note, etc.)
normal_type = 4 * beat_length_fraction.denominator
# now, we keep dividing the beat in two until we're just about to divide it into more pieces than the divisor
# so in our example, we start with 3 8th notes, then 6 16th notes, but we don't go up to 12 32nd notes, since
# that is more than the beat divisor of 11. Now we know that we are looking at 11 in the space of 6 16th notes.
while normal_divisions * 2 <= divisor:
normal_divisions *= 2
normal_type *= 2
if normal_divisions == divisor:
# if the beat divisor exactly equals the normal number, then we don't have a tuplet at all,
# just a standard duple division. Return None to signify that
return None
# otherwise, construct a tuplet from our answer
return cls(divisor, normal_divisions, 4.0 / normal_type)
def contents(self) -> Sequence[NoteLike]:
"""List of NoteLike objects (notes and rests) contained in this tuplet"""
return self._contents
[docs] def dilation_factor(self) -> float:
Factor by which the amount of "room" in the tuplet is expanded. E.g. in a tripet, this factor is 3/2, since
you can fit 3/2 as much stuff in there.
return self.tuplet_divisions / self.normal_divisions
[docs] def length(self) -> float:
"""The actual length, in quarter notes, of the tuplet from the outside."""
return self.normal_divisions * self.division_length
[docs] def length_within_tuplet(self) -> float:
"""The length, in quarter notes, of the tuplet from the inside."""
return self.tuplet_divisions * self.division_length
def _to_abjad(self, source_id_dict=None):
is_top_level_call = True if source_id_dict is None else False
source_id_dict = {} if source_id_dict is None else source_id_dict
abjad_notes = [note_like._to_abjad(source_id_dict) for note_like in self.contents]
if is_top_level_call:
for same_source_group in source_id_dict.values():
tuplet_fraction = Fraction(self.normal_divisions, self.tuplet_divisions)
return abjad().Tuplet((tuplet_fraction.numerator, tuplet_fraction.denominator), abjad_notes)
[docs] def to_music_xml(self, source_id_dict=None) -> pymusicxml.Tuplet:
is_top_level_call = True if source_id_dict is None else False
source_id_dict = {} if source_id_dict is None else source_id_dict
xml_note_segments = [note_segment for note_like in self.contents
for note_segment in note_like.to_music_xml(source_id_dict)]
if is_top_level_call:
for same_source_group in source_id_dict.values():
return pymusicxml.Tuplet(xml_note_segments, (self.tuplet_divisions, self.normal_divisions))
[docs]class NoteLike(ScoreComponent):
Represents a note, chord, or rest that can be notated without ties
:param pitch: float if single pitch, Envelope if a glissando, tuple if a chord, None if a rest
:param volume: the volume of the note, sometimes an Envelope
:param written_length: the notated length of the note, disregarding any tuplets it is part of
:param properties: a properties dictionary, same as found in a PerformanceNote
:ivar pitch: float if single pitch, Envelope if a glissando, tuple if a chord, None if a rest
:ivar written_length: the notated length of the note, disregarding any tuplets it is part of
:ivar properties: a properties dictionary, same as found in a PerformanceNote
def __init__(self, pitch: Envelope | float | tuple | None, volume: Envelope | float | None,
written_length: float, properties: NoteProperties):
self.pitch = pitch
self.volume = volume
self.written_length = Fraction(written_length).limit_denominator()
self.properties = properties if isinstance(properties, NoteProperties) else NoteProperties.interpret(properties)
[docs] def is_rest(self) -> bool:
"""Returns whether or not this is a rest."""
return self.pitch is None
[docs] def is_chord(self) -> bool:
"""Returns whether or not this is a chord."""
return isinstance(self.pitch, tuple)
[docs] def does_glissando(self):
"""Returns whether or not this does a glissando."""
return self.is_chord() and isinstance(self.pitch[0], Envelope) or isinstance(self.pitch, Envelope)
[docs] def average_pitch(self) -> float:
Averages the pitch of this note, accounting for if it's a glissando or a chord
:return: the averaged pitch as a float
if self.is_chord():
# it's a chord, so take the average of its members
return sum(x.average_level() if isinstance(x, Envelope) else x for x in self.pitch) / len(self.pitch)
return self.pitch.average_level() if isinstance(self.pitch, Envelope) else self.pitch
def _get_attack_articulations(self):
# articulations to be placed on the main note
return [a for a in self.properties.articulations
if NoteLike._get_articulation_split_protocol(a) in ("first", "both", "all")]
def _get_release_articulations(self):
# articulations to be placed on the last note of the gliss
return [a for a in self.properties.articulations
if NoteLike._get_articulation_split_protocol(a) in ("last", "both", "all")]
def _get_inner_articulations(self):
# articulations to be placed on the inner notes of a gliss
return [a for a in self.properties.articulations
if NoteLike._get_articulation_split_protocol(a) == "all"]
def _get_articulation_split_protocol(articulation: str):
return engraving_settings.articulation_split_protocols[articulation] \
if articulation in engraving_settings.articulation_split_protocols \
else engraving_settings.articulation_split_protocols["default"]
def _get_attack_notations(self):
# notations to be placed on the main note
return [n for n in self.properties.notations
if NoteLike._get_notation_split_protocol(n) in ("first", "both", "all")]
def _get_release_notations(self):
# notations to be placed on the last note of the gliss
return [n for n in self.properties.notations
if NoteLike._get_notation_split_protocol(n) in ("last", "both", "all")]
def _get_inner_notations(self):
# notations to be placed on the inner notes of a gliss
return [n for n in self.properties.notations
if NoteLike._get_notation_split_protocol(n) == "all"]
def _get_notation_split_protocol(notation: str):
return engraving_settings.notation_split_protocols[notation] \
if notation in engraving_settings.notation_split_protocols \
else engraving_settings.notation_split_protocols["default"]
def _get_start_and_mid_spanners(self):
return [x for x in self.properties.spanners if x.START_MID_OR_STOP != "stop"]
def _get_stop_spanners(self):
return [x for x in self.properties.spanners if x.START_MID_OR_STOP == "stop"]
[docs] def merge_with(self, other: NoteLike) -> NoteLike:
Merges other into this note, adding its length and combining its articulations
:param other: another NoteLike
:return: self, having been merged with other
if self.is_rest() and other.is_rest() or other.source_id() == self.source_id() is not None:
self.properties.articulations.extend(articulation for articulation in other.properties.articulations
if articulation not in self.properties.articulations)
self.properties.notations.extend(notation for notation in other.properties.notations
if notation not in self.properties.notations)
self.properties.spanners.extend(spanner for spanner in other.properties.spanners
if spanner not in self.properties.spanners)
self.written_length += other.written_length
self.properties.starts_tie = other.properties.starts_tie
raise ValueError("Notes are not compatible for merger.")
def _get_relevant_gliss_control_points(pitch_envelope, max_points_to_keep=None):
The idea here is that the control points that matter are the ones that aren't near others or an endpoint
(temporal_relevance) and are a significant deviation in pitch from the assumed interpolated pitch if we
didn't notate them (pitch_deviation).
:param pitch_envelope: a pitch Envelope (gliss)
:return: a list of the important control points
assert isinstance(pitch_envelope, Envelope)
controls_to_check = pitch_envelope.times[1:-1] \
if engraving_settings.glissandi.consider_non_extrema_control_points else pitch_envelope.local_extrema()
relevant_controls = []
left_bound = pitch_envelope.start_time()
last_pitch = pitch_envelope.start_level()
for control_point in controls_to_check:
progress_to_endpoint = (control_point - left_bound) / (pitch_envelope.end_time() - left_bound)
temporal_relevance = 1 - abs(0.5 - progress_to_endpoint) * 2
# figure out how much the pitch at this control point deviates from just linear interpolation
linear_interpolated_pitch = last_pitch + (pitch_envelope.end_level() - last_pitch) * progress_to_endpoint
pitch_deviation = abs(pitch_envelope.value_at(control_point) - linear_interpolated_pitch)
relevance = temporal_relevance * pitch_deviation
if relevance > engraving_settings.glissandi.inner_grace_relevance_threshold:
if max_points_to_keep is not None:
relevant_controls.append((relevance, control_point))
left_bound = control_point
last_pitch = pitch_envelope.value_at(control_point)
if max_points_to_keep is not None:
control_points = [x[1] for x in sorted(relevant_controls, reverse=True)[:max_points_to_keep]]
return control_points
return relevant_controls
def _get_grace_points(self, control_point_limit=None):
pitch_curve = self.pitch[0] if self.is_chord() else self.pitch
# if this note doesn't start a tie, then it's the last note of the glissando,
# so if the settings say to do so, we include an end grace note
include_end_point = not self.properties.starts_tie and engraving_settings.glissandi.include_end_grace_note
# in that case, it has to count towards the control point limit if there is one
if control_point_limit is not None and include_end_point:
control_point_limit -= 1
grace_points = NoteLike._get_relevant_gliss_control_points(pitch_curve, control_point_limit) \
if engraving_settings.glissandi.control_point_policy == "grace" else []
if include_end_point:
return grace_points
def _to_abjad(self, source_id_dict=None):
Convert this NoteLike to an abjad note, chord, or rest, along with possibly some headless grace notes to
represent important changes of direction in a glissando, if the glissando engraving setting are set to do so
:param source_id_dict: a dictionary keeping track of which abjad notes come from the same original
PerformanceNote. This is populated here when the abjad notes are generated, and then later, once a whole
staff of notes has been generated, ties and glissandi are added accordingly.
:return: an abjad note, chord, or rest, possibly with an attached AfterGraceContainer
# abjad duration
duration = Fraction(self.written_length / 4).limit_denominator()
# list of gliss grace notes, if applicable
grace_notes = []
if self.is_rest():
abjad_object = abjad().Rest(duration)
elif self.is_chord():
abjad_object = abjad().Chord()
abjad_object.written_duration = duration
if self.does_glissando():
# if it's a glissing chord, its noteheads are based on the start level
abjad_object.note_heads = [self.properties.get_spelling_policy(i).resolve_abjad_pitch(x.start_level())
for i, x in enumerate(self.pitch)]
# Set the notehead
self._attach_abjad_microtonal_annotation(abjad_object, [p.start_level() for p in self.pitch])
last_pitches = abjad_object.written_pitches
grace_points = self._get_grace_points()
# add a grace chord for each important turn around point in the gliss
for t in grace_points:
grace_chord = abjad().Chord()
grace_chord.written_duration = 1/16
grace_chord.note_heads = [self.properties.get_spelling_policy(i).resolve_abjad_pitch(x.value_at(t))
for i, x in enumerate(self.pitch)]
# Set the notehead
self._attach_abjad_microtonal_annotation(grace_chord, [p.value_at(t) for p in self.pitch])
# but first check that we're not just repeating the last grace chord
if grace_chord.written_pitches != last_pitches:
last_pitches = grace_chord.written_pitches
# if not, our job is simple
abjad_object.note_heads = [self.properties.get_spelling_policy(i).resolve_abjad_pitch(x)
for i, x in enumerate(self.pitch)]
# Set the noteheads
# attach any microtonal annotations (if setting is flipped)
self._attach_abjad_microtonal_annotation(abjad_object, self.pitch)
elif self.does_glissando():
# This is a note doing a glissando
abjad_object = abjad().Note(
self.properties.get_spelling_policy().resolve_abjad_pitch(self.pitch.start_level()), duration
# Set the notehead
# attach any microtonal annotations (if setting is flipped)
self._attach_abjad_microtonal_annotation(abjad_object, self.pitch.start_level())
last_pitch = abjad_object.written_pitch
grace_points = self._get_grace_points()
for t in grace_points:
grace = abjad().Note(
self.properties.get_spelling_policy().resolve_abjad_pitch(self.pitch.value_at(t)), 1 / 16
# Set the notehead
# attach any microtonal annotations (if setting is flipped)
self._attach_abjad_microtonal_annotation(grace, self.pitch.value_at(t))
# but first check that we're not just repeating the last grace note pitch
if last_pitch != grace.written_pitch:
last_pitch = grace.written_pitch
# This is a simple note
abjad_object = abjad().Note(self.properties.get_spelling_policy().resolve_abjad_pitch(self.pitch), duration)
# Set the notehead
self._attach_abjad_microtonal_annotation(abjad_object, self.pitch)
# Now we make, fill, and attach the abjad AfterGraceContainer, if applicable
if len(grace_notes) > 0:
for note in grace_notes:
# this signifier, \stemless, is not standard lilypond, and is defined with
# an override at the start of the score
abjad().attach(abjad().LilyPondLiteral(r"\stemless"), note)
grace_container = abjad().AfterGraceContainer(grace_notes)
abjad().attach(grace_container, abjad_object)
grace_container = None
# this is where we populate the source_id_dict passed down to us from the top level "to_abjad()" call
if source_id_dict is not None:
# sometimes a note will not have a _source_id property defined, since it never gets broken into tied
# components. However, if it's a glissando and there's stemless grace notes involved, we're going to
# have to give it a _source_id so that it can share it with its grace notes
if grace_container is not None and "_source_id" not in self.properties.temp:
self.properties.temp["_source_id"] = performance_module.PerformanceNote.next_id()
if "_source_id" in self.properties.temp:
# here we take the new note that we're creating and add it to the bin in source_id_dict that
# contains all the notes of the same source, so that they can be tied / joined by glissandi
if self.properties.temp["_source_id"] in source_id_dict:
# this source_id is already associated with a leaf, so add it to the list
# we don't yet have a record on this source_id, so start a list with this object under that key
source_id_dict[self.properties.temp["_source_id"]] = [abjad_object]
# add any grace notes to the same bin as their parent
if grace_container is not None:
self._attach_abjad_articulations(abjad_object, grace_container)
self._attach_abjad_notations(abjad_object, grace_container)
self._attach_abjad_spanners(abjad_object, grace_container)
return abjad_object
def _attach_abjad_microtonal_annotation(self, note_object, pitch_or_pitches):
if not engraving_settings.show_microtonal_annotations or \
self.properties.ends_tie and not self.does_glissando():
# if this is not the first segment of the note, and it's not part of a gliss, don't do the annotations
if hasattr(pitch_or_pitches, '__len__'):
if any(round(p, engraving_settings.microtonal_annotation_digits) != round(p) for p in pitch_or_pitches):
r'\markup { \pitch-annotation "' +
"; ".join(str(round(p, engraving_settings.microtonal_annotation_digits))
for p in pitch_or_pitches) +
'" }'), note_object, direction=abjad().UP
if round(pitch_or_pitches, engraving_settings.microtonal_annotation_digits) != round(pitch_or_pitches):
r'\markup { \pitch-annotation "' +
str(round(pitch_or_pitches, engraving_settings.microtonal_annotation_digits)) + '" }',
), note_object, direction=abjad().UP
def _set_abjad_note_head_styles(self, abjad_note_or_chord):
if isinstance(abjad_note_or_chord, abjad().Note):
note_head_style = self.properties.noteheads[0]
if note_head_style != "normal":
lilypond_style = get_lilypond_notehead_name(note_head_style)
# the pipe separates out a bit of comment text, which is used when the
# desired notehead can't be displayed
rf"\tweak style {lilypond_style.split('|')[0]}")
if len(lilypond_style.split("|")) > 1:
abjad().attach(abjad().LilyPondComment(lilypond_style.split("|")[1]), abjad_note_or_chord)
elif isinstance(abjad_note_or_chord, abjad().Chord):
for chord_member, note_head_style in enumerate(self.properties.noteheads):
if note_head_style != "normal":
lilypond_style = get_lilypond_notehead_name(note_head_style)
rf"\tweak style {lilypond_style.split('|')[0]}")
if len(lilypond_style.split("|")) > 1:
abjad().attach(abjad().LilyPondComment(lilypond_style.split("|")[1]), abjad_note_or_chord)
raise ValueError("Must be an abjad Note or Chord object")
def _attach_abjad_articulations(self, abjad_note_or_chord, grace_container):
if grace_container is None:
# just a single notehead, so attach all articulations
for articulation in self.properties.articulations:
abjad().attach(abjad().Articulation(articulation), abjad_note_or_chord)
# there's a gliss
attack_notehead = abjad_note_or_chord if not self.properties.ends_tie else None
release_notehead = grace_container[-1] if not self.properties.starts_tie else None
inner_noteheads = ([] if attack_notehead is not None else [abjad_note_or_chord]) + \
[grace for grace in grace_container[:-1]] + \
([] if release_notehead is not None else [grace_container[-1]])
# only attach attack articulations to the main note
if attack_notehead is not None:
for articulation in self._get_attack_articulations():
abjad().attach(abjad().Articulation(articulation), attack_notehead)
# attach inner articulations to all but the last notehead in the grace container
for articulation in self._get_inner_articulations():
for grace_note in inner_noteheads:
abjad().attach(abjad().Articulation(articulation), grace_note)
# attach release articulations to the last notehead in the grace container
if release_notehead is not None:
for articulation in self._get_release_articulations():
abjad().attach(abjad().Articulation(articulation), release_notehead)
def _attach_abjad_notations(self, abjad_note_or_chord, grace_container):
if grace_container is None:
# just a single notehead, so attach all notations
for notation in self.properties.notations:
attach_abjad_notation_to_note(abjad_note_or_chord, notation)
# there's a gliss
attack_notehead = abjad_note_or_chord if not self.properties.ends_tie else None
release_notehead = grace_container[-1] if not self.properties.starts_tie else None
inner_noteheads = ([] if attack_notehead is not None else [abjad_note_or_chord]) + \
[grace for grace in grace_container[:-1]] + \
([] if release_notehead is not None else [grace_container[-1]])
# only attach attack notations to the main note
if attack_notehead is not None:
for notation in self._get_attack_notations():
attach_abjad_notation_to_note(attack_notehead, notation)
# attach inner notations to all but the last notehead in the grace container
for notation in self._get_inner_notations():
for grace_note in inner_noteheads:
attach_abjad_notation_to_note(grace_note, notation)
# attach release notations to the last notehead in the grace container
if release_notehead is not None:
for notation in self._get_release_notations():
attach_abjad_notation_to_note(release_notehead, notation)
def _attach_abjad_spanners(self, abjad_note_or_chord, grace_container):
if grace_container is None:
# just a single notehead, so attach all notations
for spanner in self.properties.spanners:
NoteLike._abjad_attach_spanner(spanner, abjad_note_or_chord)
# there's a gliss
attack_notehead = abjad_note_or_chord if not self.properties.ends_tie else None
release_notehead = grace_container[-1] if not self.properties.starts_tie else None
if attack_notehead is not None:
for spanner in self._get_start_and_mid_spanners():
NoteLike._abjad_attach_spanner(spanner, attack_notehead)
if release_notehead is not None:
for spanner in self._get_stop_spanners():
NoteLike._abjad_attach_spanner(spanner, release_notehead)
def _abjad_attach_spanner(spanner, target):
for spanner_abjad_object in spanner.to_abjad():
spanner_abjad_object, target,
def _attach_abjad_texts_and_dynamics(self, abjad_note_or_chord):
for i, text in enumerate(self.properties.texts):
assert isinstance(text, StaffText)
if len(self.properties.texts) > 1:
# we want texts to appear in the order that they have been added to the note, but since 3.9,
# abjad alphabetizes everything. So we need to set outside-staff-priority explicitly
# 450 is the default outside-staff-priority
text_object = abjad().bundle(text.to_abjad(), rf'\tweak outside-staff-priority #{450 + i}')
text_object = text.to_abjad()
text_object, abjad_note_or_chord,
direction=abjad().UP if text.placement == "above" else abjad().DOWN
for dynamic in self.properties.dynamics:
abjad().attach(abjad().Dynamic(dynamic), abjad_note_or_chord)
[docs] def to_music_xml(self, source_id_dict=None) -> Sequence[_XMLNote]:
if self.is_rest():
return pymusicxml.Rest(self.written_length),
elif self.is_chord():
start_pitches = tuple(p.start_level() if isinstance(p, Envelope) else p for p in self.pitch)
directions = self._get_xml_microtonal_annotation(start_pitches)
# add text annotations from properties
if len(self.properties.texts) > 0:
directions += tuple(text.to_pymusicxml() for text in self.properties.texts)
# ...and add dynamic text
if len(self.properties.dynamics) > 0:
directions += tuple(pymusicxml.Dynamic(dynamic_text) for dynamic_text in self.properties.dynamics)
out = [pymusicxml.Chord(
for i, p in enumerate(start_pitches)),
self.written_length, ties=self._get_xml_tie_state(),
noteheads=tuple(get_xml_notehead(notehead) if notehead != "normal" else None
for notehead in self.properties.noteheads),
if self.does_glissando():
grace_points = self._get_grace_points(engraving_settings.glissandi.max_inner_graces_music_xml)
for t in grace_points:
pitch_values = [p.value_at(t) if isinstance(p, Envelope) else p for p in self.pitch]
these_pitches = tuple(self.properties.get_spelling_policy(i).resolve_music_xml_pitch(p)
for i, p in enumerate(pitch_values))
# only add a grace chord if it differs in pitch from the last chord / grace chord
if these_pitches[0] != out[-1].pitches[0]:
these_pitches, 0.5, stemless=True,
noteheads=tuple(get_xml_notehead(notehead) if notehead != "normal" else None
for notehead in self.properties.noteheads),
start_pitch = self.pitch.start_level() if isinstance(self.pitch, Envelope) else self.pitch
directions = self._get_xml_microtonal_annotation(start_pitch)
# add text annotations from properties
if len(self.properties.texts) > 0:
directions += tuple(text.to_pymusicxml() for text in self.properties.texts)
# ...and add dynamic text
if len(self.properties.dynamics) > 0:
directions += tuple(pymusicxml.Dynamic(dynamic_text) for dynamic_text in self.properties.dynamics)
out = [pymusicxml.Note(
self.written_length, ties=self._get_xml_tie_state(),
if self.properties.noteheads[0] != "normal" else None),
if self.does_glissando():
grace_points = self._get_grace_points(engraving_settings.glissandi.max_inner_graces_music_xml)
for t in grace_points:
this_pitch = self.properties.get_spelling_policy().resolve_music_xml_pitch(self.pitch.value_at(t))
# only add a grace note if it differs in pitch from the last note / grace note
if this_pitch != out[-1].pitch:
this_pitch, 0.5, stemless=True,
if self.properties.noteheads[0] != "normal" else None),
if source_id_dict is not None and self.does_glissando():
# this is where we populate the source_id_dict passed down to us from the top level "to_music_xml()" call
# sometimes a note will not have a _source_id property defined, since it never gets broken into tied
# components. However, if it's a glissando and there's stemless grace notes involved, we're going to
# have to give it a _source_id so that it can share it with its grace notes
if "_source_id" not in self.properties.temp:
self.properties.temp["_source_id"] = performance_module.PerformanceNote.next_id()
# here we take the new note that we're creating and add it to the bin in source_id_dict that
# contains all the notes of the same source, so that they can be joined by glissandi
if self.properties.temp["_source_id"] in source_id_dict:
# this source_id is already associated with a leaf, so add it to the list
# we don't yet have a record on this source_id, so start a list with this object under that key
source_id_dict[self.properties.temp["_source_id"]] = list(out)
return out
def _get_xml_microtonal_annotation(self, pitch_or_pitches):
if not engraving_settings.show_microtonal_annotations or \
self.properties.ends_tie and not self.does_glissando():
# if this is not the first segment of the note, and it's not part of a gliss, don't do the annotations
return ()
if hasattr(pitch_or_pitches, '__len__'):
# if any of the starting pitches are not integers, and we are showing microtonal annotations,
# returns a text direction stating what the true pitches of the chord should be
if any(round(p, engraving_settings.microtonal_annotation_digits) != round(p) for p in pitch_or_pitches):
return pymusicxml.TextAnnotation("({})".format(
"; ".join(str(round(p, engraving_settings.microtonal_annotation_digits)) for p in pitch_or_pitches)
), italic=True),
return ()
# if the starting pitch is not an integer, and we are showing microtonal annotations,
# add a text direction stating what the true pitch of the note should be
if round(pitch_or_pitches, engraving_settings.microtonal_annotation_digits) != round(pitch_or_pitches):
return pymusicxml.TextAnnotation(
"({})".format(round(pitch_or_pitches, engraving_settings.microtonal_annotation_digits)),
return ()
def _attach_articulations_notations_and_spanners_to_xml_note_group(self, xml_note_group):
if len(xml_note_group) > 1:
# there's a gliss, and xml_note_group contains the main note followed by grace notes
attack_notehead = xml_note_group[0] if not self.properties.ends_tie else None
release_notehead = xml_note_group[-1] if not self.properties.starts_tie else None
inner_noteheads = xml_note_group[1 if attack_notehead is not None else 0:
-1 if release_notehead is not None else None]
# only attach attack articulations and notations and start spanners to the main note
if attack_notehead is not None:
for articulation in self._get_attack_articulations():
for notation in self._get_attack_notations():
for spanner in self._get_start_and_mid_spanners():
spanner_xml = spanner.to_pymusicxml()
if isinstance(spanner_xml, pymusicxml.Direction):
elif isinstance(spanner_xml, pymusicxml.Notation):
# attach inner articulations and notations to inner grace notes
for articulation in self._get_inner_articulations():
for inner_grace_note in inner_noteheads:
for notation in self._get_inner_notations():
for inner_grace_note in inner_noteheads:
# attach release articulations and notations to the last grace note
if release_notehead is not None:
for articulation in self._get_release_articulations():
for notation in self._get_release_notations():
for spanner in self._get_stop_spanners():
spanner_xml = spanner.to_pymusicxml()
if isinstance(spanner_xml, pymusicxml.Direction):
elif isinstance(spanner_xml, pymusicxml.Notation):
# just a single notehead, so attach all articulations and notations
for articulation in self.properties.articulations:
for notation in self.properties.notations:
for spanner in self.properties.spanners:
spanner_xml = spanner.to_pymusicxml()
if isinstance(spanner_xml, pymusicxml.Direction):
elif isinstance(spanner_xml, pymusicxml.Notation):
def _get_xml_tie_state(self):
if self.properties.starts_tie and self.properties.ends_tie:
return "continue"
elif self.properties.starts_tie:
return "start"
elif self.properties.ends_tie:
return "stop"
return None
def _get_xml_velocity(self, t=0):
# default is None unless engraving_settings.export_note_velocities_to_xml is True
chord_velocity = None
if engraving_settings.export_note_velocities_to_xml:
if isinstance(self.volume, Envelope):
# if volume is an envelope, then we check to see if pitch is an envelope too
if self.does_glissando():
# if so, then we actually care about how volume changes over time, since the grace notes in the
# glissando mark out different moments in time
chord_velocity = int(self.volume.value_at(t) * 127)
# otherwise, we just use the average volume
chord_velocity = int(self.volume.average_level() * 127)
# otherwise, it's just a simple scaling to 0-127
chord_velocity = int(self.volume * 127)
return chord_velocity
[docs] def source_id(self) -> int | None:
ID representing the original PerformanceNote that this came from.
Since PerformanceNotes are split up into tied segments, we need to keep track of which ones
belonged together so that we can rejoin them with ties, glissandi, etc.
(This is done via _join_same_source_abjad_note_group or _join_same_source_xml_note_group)
if "_source_id" in self.properties.temp:
return self.properties.temp["_source_id"]
return None
def __repr__(self):
return "NoteLike(pitch={}, written_length={}, properties={})".format(
self.pitch, self.written_length, self.properties