Module containing the NoteProperties object, which is a dictionary that stores a variety of playback and notation
options that affect a given note.
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
# This file is part of SCAMP (Suite for Computer-Assisted Music in Python) #
# Copyright © 2020 Marc Evanstein <marc@marcevanstein.com>. #
# #
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of #
# the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version #
# 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; #
# without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. #
# See the GNU General Public License for more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. #
# If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
from __future__ import annotations
from .utilities import _is_non_str_sequence
from .playback_adjustments import NotePlaybackAdjustment
from .utilities import SavesToJSON, NoteProperty
from .spelling import SpellingPolicy
from .text import StaffText
from .spanners import Spanner
from expenvelope import Envelope
from copy import deepcopy
from . import _parsing
import re
from types import SimpleNamespace
from typing import MutableMapping
[docs]class NoteProperties(SimpleNamespace, SavesToJSON, NoteProperty):
Class that holds information about any and all playback or notational details for a note or chord aside
from its pitch, volume and duration. See :ref:`The Note Properties Argument` for more information.
:param args: Any number of things that are interpretable as note properties via
:func:`NoteProperties.interpret`, which are merged together into a single object.
:param kwargs: individual note properties can be given as keyword arguments, e.g. `articulation=staccato`
# list of all valid kinds of NoteProperties and their attributes
# "key" is the name of the property as it appears in the NoteProperties namespace/dictionary
# "regex" is a regular expression, and input key matching this regex is considered to refer to this property
# "default" is the default value of this property if none is given. (list properties are treated specially:
# if given a non-list, it gets wrapped as a list)
# "regularization_function" is a function to call when receiving an entry for this property, e.g. used to
# parse a string into a StaffText object
# "custom_type" is a custom class associated with this property, such that if we are given one of these custom
# classes, we know it's for this property
# "merger_function": defines what to do with this attribute when merging two NoteProperties
# "chord_merger_critical": whether this property has to match in order for two notes to merge into a chord
"key": "articulations",
"regex": r"^articulations?$",
"default": [],
"regularization_function": None,
"merger_function": lambda p1, p2: p1 + p2,
"chord_merger_critical": True
"key": "notations",
"regex": r"^notations?$",
"default": [],
"regularization_function": None,
"merger_function": lambda p1, p2: p1 + p2,
"chord_merger_critical": True
"key": "spanners",
"regex": r"^spanners?$",
"default": [],
"regularization_function": None,
"custom_type": Spanner,
"merger_function": lambda p1, p2: p1 + p2,
"chord_merger_critical": True
"key": "noteheads",
"regex": r"^noteheads?$",
"default": ["normal"],
"is_default_function": lambda noteheads: all(x == "normal" for x in noteheads),
"regularization_function": None,
"merger_function": lambda p1, p2: p1 if p2 == ["normal"] else p2,
"chord_merger_critical": False
"key": "dynamics",
"regex": r"^dynamics?$",
"default": [],
"regularization_function": None,
"merger_function": lambda p1, p2: p1 + p2,
"chord_merger_critical": True
"key": "texts",
"regex": r"^texts?$",
"default": [],
"regularization_function": lambda x: StaffText.from_string(x) if isinstance(x, str) else x,
"custom_type": StaffText,
"merger_function": lambda p1, p2: p1 + p2,
"chord_merger_critical": True
"key": "playback_adjustments",
"regex": r"^(playback_)?adjustments?$",
"default": [],
"regularization_function": lambda x: NotePlaybackAdjustment.from_string(x) if isinstance(x, str) else x,
"custom_type": NotePlaybackAdjustment,
"merger_function": lambda p1, p2: p1 + p2,
"chord_merger_critical": True
"key": r"spelling_policies",
"regex": r"^(spelling|spelling_policy|spelling_policies|key)$",
"default": [],
"is_default_function": lambda sp: all(x == SpellingPolicy() for x in sp),
"regularization_function": lambda x: SpellingPolicy.from_string(x) if isinstance(x, str) else x,
"custom_type": SpellingPolicy,
"merger_function": lambda p1, p2: p1 + p2,
"chord_merger_critical": False
"key": r"voice",
"regex": r"^voice$",
"default": None,
"regularization_function": None,
"merger_function": lambda p1, p2: p2,
"chord_merger_critical": True
"key": "extra_playback_parameters",
"regex": r"^extra_playback_parameters$",
"default": {},
"regularization_function": None,
"merger_function": lambda p1, p2: {**p1, **p2},
"chord_merger_critical": True
"key": "starts_tie",
"regex": r"^starts_tie$",
"default": False,
"regularization_function": None,
"merger_function": lambda p1, p2: p1,
"chord_merger_critical": True
"key": "ends_tie",
"regex": r"^ends_tie$",
"default": False,
"regularization_function": None,
"merger_function": lambda p1, p2: p2,
"chord_merger_critical": True
"key": "manual_split_point",
"regex": r"^manual_split_point$",
"default": False,
"regularization_function": None,
"merger_function": lambda p1, p2: p1 | p2,
"chord_merger_critical": True
PROPERTY_TYPES_AS_DICT = {property_info["key"]: property_info for property_info in PROPERTY_TYPES}
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if len(args) > 0:
arg_properties = NoteProperties.interpret(args)
if "bundles" in kwargs:
kwargs["bundles"] = [arg_properties]
normalized_kwargs = {}
for property_info in NoteProperties.PROPERTY_TYPES:
for key in kwargs:
if re.match(property_info["regex"], key):
# if there's a match in kwargs
value = kwargs[key]
if _is_non_str_sequence(property_info["default"]):
# if it's a container property
if not _is_non_str_sequence(kwargs[key]):
# ... and we weren't given a container, then put it in a list
value = [value]
if property_info["regularization_function"] is not None:
# If there's a regularization function to call, do it for each element of the list
value = [property_info["regularization_function"](x) for x in value]
# not a container property
if property_info["regularization_function"] is not None:
# If there's a regularization function to call, do it
value = property_info["regularization_function"](value)
normalized_kwargs[property_info["key"]] = value
# no match in kwargs make a deep copy of the default (since it's often a list!)
normalized_kwargs[property_info["key"]] = deepcopy(property_info["default"])
# pull out any "param_*" keys and store them in the extra playback parameters
for key in kwargs:
if key.startswith("param_"):
param_name, param_value = key[6:], kwargs[key]
if isinstance(param_value, (list, tuple)):
param_value = Envelope.from_list(param_value)
param_value.parsed_from_list = True
normalized_kwargs["extra_playback_parameters"][param_name] = param_value
# the "bundles" keyword allows us to pass full NoteProperties, which just get incorporated
if "bundles" in kwargs:
for note_property in kwargs["bundles"]:
self.temp = {}
[docs] @classmethod
def interpret(cls, properties_object) -> NoteProperties:
Interprets a properties_object of unknown type into a :class:`NoteProperties`.
:param properties_object: a :class:`NoteProperties` object, dict-like object, parseable
properties string, custom NoteProperties object or list of any of the above that get merged together.
See :ref:`The Note Properties Argument` for more info.
:return: a new :class:`NoteProperties`. Note that if a :class:`NoteProperties` is passed in, the function will
simply return the exact same object (not a duplicate)
if isinstance(properties_object, cls):
return properties_object
elif properties_object is None:
return cls()
elif isinstance(properties_object, MutableMapping):
return cls(**properties_object)
elif _is_non_str_sequence(properties_object):
properties = cls()
for item in properties_object:
return properties
elif isinstance(properties_object, str):
return cls(**_parsing.parse_note_properties(properties_object))
for property_info in NoteProperties.PROPERTY_TYPES:
if "custom_type" in property_info and isinstance(properties_object, property_info["custom_type"]):
return cls(**{property_info["key"]: properties_object})
raise ValueError(f"{properties_object} not interpretable as NoteProperties.")
[docs] def incorporate(self, other_properties: SimpleNamespace | MutableMapping | None) -> NoteProperties:
Incorporates a different NoteProperties or dictionary into this one.
:param other_properties: A NoteProperties, or a dictionary-like object with similar structure
:return: self, for chaining purposes
if other_properties is None:
return self
if isinstance(other_properties, MutableMapping):
other_properties = NoteProperties(**other_properties)
for property_info in NoteProperties.PROPERTY_TYPES:
merged_property = property_info["merger_function"](
getattr(self, property_info["key"]),
getattr(other_properties, property_info["key"])
setattr(self, property_info["key"], merged_property)
return self
[docs] def chord_mergeable_with(self, other_properties: NoteProperties) -> bool:
Determines whether this NoteProperties is compatible with another for chord merger purposes.
:param other_properties: the NoteProperties object of another note
:return: whether the note with this NoteProperties is compatible with the note with the other NoteProperties
as far as combining them both into a chord is concerned.
return all(getattr(self, property_info["key"]) == getattr(other_properties, property_info["key"])
for property_info in NoteProperties.PROPERTY_TYPES if property_info["chord_merger_critical"])
[docs] def apply_playback_adjustments(self, pitch, volume, length, include_notation_derived=True):
Applies both explicit and (if flag is set) derived playback_adjustments to the given pitch, volume, and length
:param pitch: unadjusted pitch
:param volume: unadjusted volume
:param length: unadjusted length
:param include_notation_derived: if true, include adjustments based on notations like staccato, by searching
the playback_settings.adjustments dictionary
:return: adjusted pitch, volume, length, as well as a boolean stating whether anything changed
# If the note has a tuple length, indicating adjoined tied segments, we need to replace "length" with the
# sum of those segments before adjustment and save the segments themselves in "length_segments"
if hasattr(length, "__len__"):
length_segments = length
length = sum(length)
length_segments = None
did_an_adjustment = False
# first apply all of the explicit playback adjustments
for adjustment in self.playback_adjustments:
pitch, volume, length = adjustment.adjust_parameters(pitch, volume, length)
did_an_adjustment = True
if include_notation_derived:
from . import playback_settings
# try all categories of playback adjustments that are found in the adjustments dictionary and this dict
for notation_category in set(self.__dict__.keys()).intersection(set(playback_settings.adjustments.keys())):
for applied_notation in getattr(self, notation_category):
notation_derived_adjustment = playback_settings.get_playback_adjustment(applied_notation)
if notation_derived_adjustment is not None:
assert isinstance(notation_derived_adjustment, NotePlaybackAdjustment)
pitch, volume, length = notation_derived_adjustment.adjust_parameters(pitch, volume, length)
did_an_adjustment = True
# Having made the adjustment, if the length was a tuple of adjoined segments, we now go back
# and scale those according to the adjustment made to length
if length_segments is not None:
length_scale_factor = length / sum(length_segments)
length = length_segments if length_scale_factor == 1 else \
tuple(segment_length * length_scale_factor for segment_length in length_segments)
return pitch, volume, length, did_an_adjustment
def _to_dict(self) -> dict:
json_friendly_dict = dict(self.__dict__)
del json_friendly_dict["temp"]
for property_info in NoteProperties.PROPERTY_TYPES:
if json_friendly_dict[property_info["key"]] == property_info["default"]:
del json_friendly_dict[property_info["key"]]
return json_friendly_dict
[docs] def get_spelling_policy(self, which_note=0):
return self.spelling_policies[which_note] if which_note < len(self.spelling_policies) \
else self.spelling_policies[-1]
[docs] def get_midi_cc_params(self):
return {
int(k): v
for k, v in self.extra_playback_parameters.items()
if k.isdigit() and 0 <= int(k) < 128
[docs] def get_midi_cc_start_values(self, digits_to_round_to=10):
return {
k: round(v.start_level() if isinstance(v, Envelope) else v, digits_to_round_to)
for k, v in self.get_midi_cc_params().items()
def _from_dict(cls, json_dict):
return cls(**json_dict)
def __add__(self, other):
return self.duplicate().incorporate(other)
def __repr__(self):
kwarg_string = ", ".join(
f"{key}={value}" for key, value in self.__dict__.items()
if key != "temp" and NoteProperties.PROPERTY_TYPES_AS_DICT[key]["default"] != value
and ("is_default_function" not in NoteProperties.PROPERTY_TYPES_AS_DICT[key]
or not NoteProperties.PROPERTY_TYPES_AS_DICT[key]["is_default_function"](value))
return f"NoteProperties({kwarg_string})"