Source code for pymusicxml.notations

Module containing all non-spanner notations, such as glisses, bowings, fermatas, etc.

#  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  #
#  This file is part of SCAMP (Suite for Computer-Assisted Music in Python)                      #
#  Copyright © 2020 Marc Evanstein <>.                                     #
#                                                                                                #
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of    #
#  the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version   #
#  3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.                                      #
#                                                                                                #
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;     #
#  without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.     #
#  See the GNU General Public License for more details.                                          #
#                                                                                                #
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.    #
#  If not, see <>.                                                   #
#  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  #

from __future__ import annotations
from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
from typing import Sequence
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from pymusicxml.score_components import Notation, MultiGliss
from pymusicxml.enums import StaffPlacement, ArpeggiationDirection

[docs]class StartGliss(Notation): """ Notation to attach to a note that starts a glissando :param number: each glissando is given an id number to distinguish it from other glissandi. This must range from 1 to 6. """ def __init__(self, number: int = 1): self.number = number
[docs] def render(self) -> Sequence[ElementTree.Element]: return ElementTree.Element("slide", {"type": "start", "line-type": "solid", "number": str(self.number)}),
[docs]class StopGliss(Notation): """ Notation to attach to a note that ends a glissando :param number: this should correspond to the id number of the associated :class:`StartGliss`. """ def __init__(self, number: int = 1): self.number = number
[docs] def render(self) -> Sequence[ElementTree.Element]: return ElementTree.Element("slide", {"type": "stop", "line-type": "solid", "number": str(self.number)}),
[docs]class StartMultiGliss(MultiGliss): """ Multi-gliss notation used for glissing multiple members of a chord :param numbers: most natural is to pass a range object here, for the range of numbers to assign to the glisses of consecutive chord member. However, in the case of a chord where, say, you want the upper two notes to gliss but not the bottom, pass (None, 1, 2) to this parameter. """
[docs] def render(self) -> Sequence[ElementTree.Element]: return tuple(StartGliss(n) if n is not None else None for n in self.numbers)
[docs]class StopMultiGliss(MultiGliss): """ End of a multi-gliss notation used for glissing multiple members of a chord. :param numbers: These should correspond to the id numbers of the associated :class:`StartMultiGliss`. """
[docs] def render(self) -> Sequence[ElementTree.Element]: return tuple(StopGliss(n) if n is not None else None for n in self.numbers)
[docs]class Fermata(Notation): """ Fermata notation. :param inverted: if true, an inverted fermata """ def __init__(self, inverted: bool = False): self.inverted = inverted
[docs] def render(self) -> Sequence[ElementTree.Element]: if self.inverted: return ElementTree.Element("fermata", {"type": "inverted"}), else: return ElementTree.Element("fermata"),
[docs]class Arpeggiate(Notation): """ Chord arpeggiation notation. :param direction: "up" or "down" """ def __init__(self, direction: str | ArpeggiationDirection = None): self.direction = ArpeggiationDirection(direction) if isinstance(direction, str) else direction
[docs] def render(self) -> Sequence[ElementTree.Element]: if self.direction is None: return ElementTree.Element("arpeggiate"), else: return ElementTree.Element("arpeggiate", {"direction": self.direction.value}),
[docs]class NonArpeggiate(Notation): """ Chord non-arpeggiate notation. pymusicxml only allows full chord non-arpeggiates. """
[docs] def render(self) -> Sequence[ElementTree.Element]: return ElementTree.Element("non-arpeggiate", {"type": "top"}),
# --------------------------------------- Technical Notations --------------------------------------------
[docs]class Technical(Notation, ABC): """Abstract class for all technical notations"""
[docs] @abstractmethod def render_technical(self) -> Sequence[ElementTree.Element]: """Renders the contents of the technicalelement.""" pass
[docs] def render(self) -> Sequence[ElementTree.Element]: technical_el = ElementTree.Element("technical") technical_el.extend(self.render_technical()) return technical_el,
[docs]class UpBow(Technical): """Up-bow notation"""
[docs] def render_technical(self) -> Sequence[ElementTree.Element]: return ElementTree.Element("up-bow"),
[docs]class DownBow(Technical): """Down-bow notation"""
[docs] def render_technical(self) -> Sequence[ElementTree.Element]: return ElementTree.Element("down-bow"),
[docs]class OpenString(Technical): """Open-string notation"""
[docs] def render_technical(self) -> Sequence[ElementTree.Element]: return ElementTree.Element("open-string"),
[docs]class Harmonic(Technical): """Harmonic notation. Note: This is not the <harmony/> notation used for chord changes. This class represents playing a note as a harmonic on a single string."""
[docs] def render_technical(self) -> Sequence[ElementTree.Element]: return ElementTree.Element("harmonic"),
[docs]class Stopped(Technical): """Stopped notation"""
[docs] def render_technical(self) -> Sequence[ElementTree.Element]: return ElementTree.Element("stopped"),
[docs]class SnapPizzicato(Technical): """Snap-pizzicato notation"""
[docs] def render_technical(self) -> Sequence[ElementTree.Element]: return ElementTree.Element("snap-pizzicato"),
# -------------------------------------------- Ornaments -------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Ornament(Notation, ABC): "Abstract class for all ornament notations"
[docs] @abstractmethod def render_ornament(self) -> Sequence[ElementTree.Element]: """Renders the contents of the ornaments element.""" pass
[docs] def render(self) -> Sequence[ElementTree.Element]: ornaments_el = ElementTree.Element("ornaments") ornaments_el.extend(self.render_ornament()) return ornaments_el,
[docs]class Mordent(Ornament): """ Mordent ornament. :param inverted: if true, an inverted mordent :param placement: "above" or "below" """ def __init__(self, inverted: bool = False, placement: str | StaffPlacement = "above"): self.placement = StaffPlacement(placement) if isinstance(placement, str) else placement self.inverted = inverted
[docs] def render_ornament(self) -> Sequence[ElementTree.Element]: return ElementTree.Element("inverted-mordent" if self.inverted else "mordent", {"placement": self.placement.value}),
[docs]class Turn(Ornament): """ Turn ornament. :param inverted: if true, an inverted turn :param delayed: if true, a turn which is delayed until the end of the note :param placement: "above" or "below" """ def __init__(self, inverted: bool = False, delayed: bool = False, placement: str | StaffPlacement = "above"): self.placement = StaffPlacement(placement) if isinstance(placement, str) else placement self.inverted = inverted self.delayed = delayed
[docs] def render_ornament(self) -> Sequence[ElementTree.Element]: return ElementTree.Element("delayed-" if self.delayed else "" + "inverted-" if self.inverted else "" + "turn", {"placement": self.placement.value}),
[docs]class TrillMark(Ornament): """ Trill mark on a single note (without wavy line). :param placement: "above" or "below" """ def __init__(self, placement: str | StaffPlacement = "above"): self.placement = StaffPlacement(placement) if isinstance(placement, str) else placement
[docs] def render_ornament(self) -> Sequence[ElementTree.Element]: return ElementTree.Element("trill-mark", {"placement": self.placement.value}),
[docs]class Schleifer(Ornament): """ Schleifer mark. :param placement: "above" or "below" """ def __init__(self, placement: str | StaffPlacement = "above"): self.placement = StaffPlacement(placement) if isinstance(placement, str) else placement
[docs] def render_ornament(self) -> Sequence[ElementTree.Element]: return ElementTree.Element("schleifer", {"placement": self.placement.value}),
[docs]class Tremolo(Ornament): """ Tremolo lines on a note stem. :param num_lines: number of tremolo marks on the stem. (Defaults to 3 for traditional unmeasured tremolo). """ def __init__(self, num_lines: int = 3): if not 0 <= num_lines <= 8: raise ValueError("num_lines must be between 0 and 8") self.num_lines = num_lines
[docs] def render_ornament(self) -> Sequence[ElementTree.Element]: tremolo_el = ElementTree.Element("tremolo") tremolo_el.text = str(self.num_lines) return tremolo_el,