Source code for expenvelope.envelope_segment

Module containing the :class:`EnvelopeSegment` class. Every :class:`envelope.Envelope` object, under the hood, is made
up of a list of :class:`EnvelopeSegment`\ s. :class:`EnvelopeSegment`\ s support arithmetic operations like addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division. They also support horizontal scaling and shifting.

Note also that this is defining a function whose domain is a portion of the real number line, but whose range can
actually be nearly anything, including, e.g., numpy arrays. All of the functionality, even integration, works for
mappings onto other kinds of ranges.

#  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  #
#  This file is part of SCAMP (Suite for Computer-Assisted Music in Python)                      #
#  Copyright © 2020 Marc Evanstein <>.                                     #
#                                                                                                #
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of    #
#  the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version   #
#  3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.                                      #
#                                                                                                #
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;     #
#  without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.     #
#  See the GNU General Public License for more details.                                          #
#                                                                                                #
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.    #
#  If not, see <>.                                                   #
#  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  #

from __future__ import annotations
from ._utilities import _make_envelope_segments_from_function, _curve_shape_from_start_mid_and_end_levels, \
import numbers
import math
from typing import TypeVar

T = TypeVar('T', bound='EnvelopeSegment')

[docs]class EnvelopeSegment: """ A segment of an envelope, with the ability to perform interpolation and integration. :param start_time: the start time of the segment (where it is in the parent :class:`Envelope`) :param end_time: the end time of the segment :param start_level: the level of the envelope segment at the beginning. Note that a type has not been specified; the only requirements are that the type should be consistent and respond to addition and multiplication. This means, for instance, that numpy arrays could be used. :param end_level: the level of the envelope segment at the end. :param curve_shape: 0 is linear, > 0 changes late, < 0 changes early. Also, string expressions involving "exp" can be given, where "exp" stands for the shape that will produce constant proportional change per unit time. :ivar start_time: the start time of the segment :ivar end_time: the end time of the segment """ def __init__(self, start_time: float, end_time: float, start_level, end_level, curve_shape: float | str): # note that start_level, end_level, and curvature are properties, since we want # to recalculate the constants that we use internally if they are changed. self.start_time = start_time self.end_time = end_time self._start_level = start_level self._end_level = end_level if isinstance(curve_shape, str): assert end_level / start_level > 0, \ "Exponential interpolation is impossible between {} and {}".format(start_level, end_level) exp_shape = math.log(end_level / start_level) # noinspection PyBroadException try: self._curve_shape = eval(curve_shape, {"exp": exp_shape}) except Exception: raise ValueError("Expression for curve shape not understood") else: self._curve_shape = curve_shape # we avoid calculating the constants until necessary for the calculations so that this # class is lightweight and can freely be created and discarded by an Envelope object self._A = self._B = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_endpoints_and_halfway_level(cls, start_time: float, end_time: float, start_level, end_level, halfway_level) -> T: """ Construct an EnvelopeSegment with the given start/end times/levels, specifying curve shape indirectly through the desired halfway level. :param start_time: the start time of the segment (where it is in the parent :class:`Envelope`) :param end_time: the end time of the segment :param start_level: the level of the envelope segment at the beginning. (See documentation for :class:`EnvelopeSegment`) :param end_level: the level of the envelope segment at the end. :param halfway_level: The level we want to reach halfway through the segment. """ curve_shape = _curve_shape_from_start_mid_and_end_levels(start_level, halfway_level, end_level) return cls(start_time, end_time, start_level, end_level, curve_shape)
def _calculate_coefficients(self): # A and _B are constants used in integration, and it's more efficient to just calculate them once. if abs(self._curve_shape) < 0.000001: # the curve shape is essentially zero, so set the constants to none as a flag to use linear interpolation self._A = self._B = None return else: self._A = (self._start_level - (self._end_level - self._start_level) / (math.exp(self._curve_shape) - 1)) self._B = (self._end_level - self._start_level) / (self._curve_shape * (math.exp(self._curve_shape) - 1)) @property def start_level(self): """ The start level of this segment. (Can take a wide variety of types; see documentation for :class:`EnvelopeSegment`) """ return self._start_level @start_level.setter def start_level(self, start_level): self._start_level = start_level self._calculate_coefficients() @property def end_level(self): """ The end level of this segment. (Can take a wide variety of types; see documentation for :class:`EnvelopeSegment`) """ return self._end_level @end_level.setter def end_level(self, end_level): self._end_level = end_level self._calculate_coefficients() @property def curve_shape(self) -> float: """ The curve shape of this segment. (See documentation for :class:`EnvelopeSegment`) """ return self._curve_shape @curve_shape.setter def curve_shape(self, curve_shape): self._curve_shape = curve_shape self._calculate_coefficients() @property def duration(self) -> float: """ Duration of this segment. """ return self.end_time - self.start_time
[docs] def max_level(self): """ Get the maximum level achieved in this segment """ return max(self.start_level, self.end_level)
[docs] def min_level(self): """ Get the minimum level achieved in this segment """ return min(self.start_level, self.end_level)
[docs] def average_level(self): """ Get the average level achieved in this segment """ return self.integrate_segment(self.start_time, self.end_time) / self.duration
[docs] def max_absolute_slope(self): """ Get the max absolute value of the slope of this segment over the interval. (Since the slope of e^x is e^x, the max slope of e^x in the interval of [0, S] is e^S. If S is negative, the curve has exactly the same slopes, but in reverse (still need to think about why), so that's why the max slope term ends up being e^abs(S). We then have to scale that by the average slope over our interval divided by the average slope of e^x over [0, S] to get the true, scaled average slope. Hence the other scaling terms.) """ if self.duration == 0: # a duration of zero means we have an immediate change of value. Since this function is used primarily # to figure out the temporal resolution needed for smoothness, that doesn't matter; it's supposed to be # a discontinuity. So we just return zero as a throwaway. return 0 if abs(self._curve_shape) < 0.000001: # it's essentially linear, so just return the average slope return abs(self._end_level - self._start_level) / self.duration return math.exp(abs(self._curve_shape)) * abs(self._end_level - self._start_level) / self.duration * \ abs(self._curve_shape) / (math.exp(abs(self._curve_shape)) - 1)
[docs] def start_slope(self): """Get the starting slope of the EnvelopeSegment""" if self.duration == 0: return 0 if abs(self._curve_shape) < 0.000001: # essentially linear, so same as average slope return (self._end_level - self._start_level) / self.duration return math.exp(-self._curve_shape) * (self._end_level - self._start_level) / self.duration * \ -self._curve_shape / (math.exp(-self._curve_shape) - 1)
[docs] def end_slope(self): """Get the ending slope of the EnvelopeSegment""" if self.duration == 0: return 0 if abs(self._curve_shape) < 0.000001: # essentially linear, so same as average slope return (self._end_level - self._start_level) / self.duration return math.exp(self._curve_shape) * (self._end_level - self._start_level) / self.duration * \ self._curve_shape / (math.exp(self._curve_shape) - 1)
[docs] def value_at(self, t: float, clip_at_boundary: bool = True): """ Get interpolated value of the curve at time t. The equation here is y(t) = y1 + (y2 - y1) / (e^S - 1) * (e^(S*t) - 1) (y1=starting rate, y2=final rate, t=progress along the curve 0 to 1, S=curve_shape) Essentially it's an appropriately scaled and stretched segment of e^x with x in the range [0, S] as S approaches zero, we get a linear segment, and S of ln(y2/y1) represents normal exponential interpolation large values of S correspond to last-minute change, and negative values of S represent early change. :param t: time at which to evaluate the level (relative to the time zero, not to the start time of this segment) :param clip_at_boundary: if True, any t outside the boundary gets evaluated based on the start or end level (whichever is applicable. """ if self._A is None: self._calculate_coefficients() if clip_at_boundary and t >= self.end_time: return self._end_level elif clip_at_boundary and t <= self.start_time: return self._start_level else: norm_t = (t - self.start_time) / (self.end_time - self.start_time) if abs(self._curve_shape) < 0.000001: # S is or is essentially zero, so this segment is linear. That limiting case breaks # our standard formula, but is easy to simply interpolate return self._start_level + norm_t * (self._end_level - self._start_level) return self._start_level + (self._end_level - self._start_level) / \ (math.exp(self._curve_shape) - 1) * (math.exp(self._curve_shape * norm_t) - 1)
def _segment_antiderivative(self, normalized_t): # the antiderivative of the interpolation curve y(t) = y1 + (y2 - y1) / (e^S - 1) * (e^(S*t) - 1) return self._A * normalized_t + self._B * math.exp(self._curve_shape * normalized_t)
[docs] def integrate_segment(self, t1, t2): """ Integrate part of this segment. :param t1: start time (relative to the time zero, not to the start time of this segment) :param t2: end time (ditto) """ assert self.start_time <= t1 <= self.end_time and self.start_time <= t2 <= self.end_time, \ "Integration bounds must be within curve segment bounds." if t1 == t2: return 0 if self._A is None: self._calculate_coefficients() norm_t1 = (t1 - self.start_time) / (self.end_time - self.start_time) norm_t2 = (t2 - self.start_time) / (self.end_time - self.start_time) if abs(self._curve_shape) < 0.000001: # S is or is essentially zero, so this segment is linear. That limiting case breaks # our standard formula, but is easy to simple calculate based on average level start_level = (1 - norm_t1) * self.start_level + norm_t1 * self.end_level end_level = (1 - norm_t2) * self.start_level + norm_t2 * self.end_level return (t2 - t1) * (start_level + end_level) / 2 segment_length = self.end_time - self.start_time return segment_length * (self._segment_antiderivative(norm_t2) - self._segment_antiderivative(norm_t1))
[docs] def get_integral_range(self): """ Returns the range of possible values for the integral of this segment available by tweaking curvature :return a tuple of (low, high) """ return self.duration * min(self.start_level, self.end_level), \ self.duration * max(self.start_level, self.end_level)
[docs] def set_curvature_to_desired_integral(self, desired_integral) -> None: """ Changes the curvature of this segment so as to hit a desired target for the integral of the segment :param desired_integral: target value of the segment integral """ low, high = self.get_integral_range() if not low < desired_integral < high: raise ValueError("Desired integral out of adjustable range.") if self.end_level > self.start_level: self._curve_shape = _get_curvature_from_filled_amount((desired_integral - low) / (high - low)) else: self._curve_shape = _get_curvature_from_filled_amount(1 - (desired_integral - low) / (high - low)) self._calculate_coefficients()
[docs] def split_at(self, t: float) -> tuple[T, T]: """ Split this segment into two EnvelopeSegment's without altering the curve shape and return them. This segment is altered in the process. :param t: where to split it (t is absolute time) :return: a tuple of this segment modified to be only the first part, and a new segment for the second part """ assert self.start_time < t < self.end_time middle_level = self.value_at(t) # since the curve shape represents how much of the curve e^x we go through, you simply split proportionally curve_shape_1 = (t - self.start_time) / (self.end_time - self.start_time) * self.curve_shape curve_shape_2 = self.curve_shape - curve_shape_1 new_segment = EnvelopeSegment(t, self.end_time, middle_level, self.end_level, curve_shape_2) self.end_time = t self._end_level = middle_level self._curve_shape = curve_shape_1 self._calculate_coefficients() return self, new_segment
[docs] def clone(self) -> T: """ Make a duplicate of this segment. """ return EnvelopeSegment(self.start_time, self.end_time, self.start_level, self.end_level, self.curve_shape)
[docs] def shift_vertical(self, amount) -> T: """ Shifts the output of this segment by the specified amount. :param amount: the amount to shift up and down by :return: self, for chaining purposes """ self._start_level += amount self._end_level += amount self._calculate_coefficients() return self
[docs] def scale_vertical(self, amount) -> T: """ Scales the output of this segment by the specified amount. :param amount: amount to scale output by :return: self, for chaining purposes """ self._start_level *= amount self._end_level *= amount self._calculate_coefficients() return self
[docs] def shift_horizontal(self, amount: float) -> T: """ Shifts the domain of this segment by the specified amount. :param amount: the amount to shift the domain by :return: self, for chaining purposes """ assert isinstance(amount, numbers.Number) self.start_time += amount self.end_time += amount return self
[docs] def scale_horizontal(self, amount: float) -> T: """ Scales the domain of this segment by the specified amount. :param amount: amount to scale domain by :return: self, for chaining purposes """ self.start_time *= amount self.end_time *= amount return self
[docs] def is_shifted_version_of(self, other: T, tolerance: float = 1e-10) -> bool: """ Determines if this segment is simply a shifted version of another segment :param other: another EnvelopeSegment :param tolerance: how close it needs to be to count as the same """ return abs(self.start_time - other.start_time) < tolerance and \ abs(self.end_time - other.end_time) < tolerance and \ ((self._start_level - other._start_level) - (self._end_level - other._end_level)) < tolerance and \ (self._curve_shape - other._curve_shape) < tolerance
def _get_graphable_point_pairs(self, resolution: int = 25, endpoint: bool = True): x_values = [self.start_time + x / resolution * self.duration for x in range(resolution + 1 if endpoint else resolution)] y_values = [self.value_at(x) for x in x_values] return x_values, y_values
[docs] def show_plot(self, title: str = None, resolution: int = 25) -> None: """ Uses matplotlib to display a graph of this EnvelopeSegment. :param title: (optional) the title to give the graph :param resolution: how many points to use in creating the graph """ try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: raise ImportError("Could not find matplotlib, which is needed for plotting.") fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(*self._get_graphable_point_pairs(resolution)) ax.set_title('Graph of Envelope Segment' if title is None else title)
def _reciprocal(self): assert self.start_level * self.end_level > 0, "Cannot divide by EnvelopeSegment that crosses zero" return self.from_endpoints_and_halfway_level(self.start_time, self.end_time, 1 / self.start_level, 1 / self.end_level, 1 / self.value_at((self.start_time + self.end_time) / 2)) def __eq__(self, other): return self.start_time == other.start_time and self.end_time == other.end_time \ and self._start_level == other._start_level and self._end_level == other._end_level \ and self._curve_shape == other._curve_shape def __neg__(self): return EnvelopeSegment(self.start_time, self.end_time, -self.start_level, -self.end_level, self.curve_shape) def __add__(self, other): from .envelope import Envelope if isinstance(other, numbers.Number): return EnvelopeSegment(self.start_time, self.end_time, self._start_level + other, self._end_level + other, self._curve_shape) elif isinstance(other, EnvelopeSegment): if self.start_time == other.start_time and self.end_time == other.end_time: if self.duration == 0: return EnvelopeSegment(self.start_time, self.end_time, self.start_level + other.start_level, self.end_level + other.end_level, 0) segments = _make_envelope_segments_from_function(lambda t: self.value_at(t) + other.value_at(t), self.start_time, self.end_time) if len(segments) == 1: return segments[0] else: return Envelope.from_segments(segments) else: raise ValueError("EnvelopeSegments can only be added if they have the same time range.") else: raise TypeError("Can only add EnvelopeSegment to a constant or another EnvelopeSegment") def __radd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other) def __sub__(self, other): return self.__add__(-other) def __rsub__(self, other): return self.__neg__().__add__(other) def __mul__(self, other): from .envelope import Envelope if isinstance(other, numbers.Number): out = self.clone() out.scale_vertical(other) return out elif isinstance(other, EnvelopeSegment): if self.start_time == other.start_time and self.end_time == other.end_time: if self.duration == 0: return EnvelopeSegment(self.start_time, self.end_time, self.start_level * other.start_level, self.end_level * other.end_level, 0) segments = _make_envelope_segments_from_function(lambda t: self.value_at(t) * other.value_at(t), self.start_time, self.end_time) if len(segments) == 1: return segments[0] else: return Envelope.from_segments(segments) else: raise ValueError("EnvelopeSegments can only be added if they have the same time range.") else: raise TypeError("Can only multiply EnvelopeSegment with a constant or another EnvelopeSegment") def __rmul__(self, other): return self.__mul__(other) def __truediv__(self, other): return self * (1 / other) def __rtruediv__(self, other): return self._reciprocal() * other def __contains__(self, t): # checks if the given time is contained within this envelope segment # maybe this is silly, but it seemed a little convenient return self.start_time <= t < self.end_time \ or t == self.start_time # in case start_time == end_time, we still want it to count def __repr__(self): return "EnvelopeSegment({}, {}, {}, {}, {})".format(self.start_time, self.end_time, self.start_level, self.end_level, self.curve_shape)